Chapter 10

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* Brooke's P.o.v *

"It's my bank account and you know what it says huh? Even though I haven't look at it for about 4 years." My mom raises her voice.


I just look at the floor, no words were spoken from my mouth. My lips are heavy, tongue is hard, I cannot feel a thing, I feel paralysed around my lips.

"SOME SHITTY ACADEMY. THATS WHERE IT ALL WENT" she says and goes in front of me and pulls my shirt in her fist.

After that, she does something that I didn't even expect her to do. She throws me to the ground. My face hitting the hard wooden floor. I couldn't feel my jaw for a few seconds. I hold up my palms to touch it. Ouch.

She stands in front of me, kicks me in the stomach hard multiple times. I moan after she kick her last, grabbing my stomach as if I can literally feel my internal organs bleeding. Hot tears start to stream down my face

With that she goes out of the house, leaving me lying on the ground. My eyes look at the door, I could see someone opening the door and rushing towards me and screaming my name but I can't figure out who it was because my vision blurred before the 'figure' can show it's face.

*Christian's P.o.v*
After her mom asks me to go out of the house, I didn't go back to my house. I just sit at her front yard. Waiting and enjoying the evening breeze, such wonderful sight.

After minutes of waiting outside, I hear a scream from the house. Shocked, I got up and go to the window to have a look. I see her mom kicking her in the stomach. Her face pale from shock, tears slowly streaming down her face.

Her mom opens the door seconds later. I bend down and hide behind some of the bushes. I could see her getting on a bus at a nearby bus stop. Once she's gone, I quickly go inside the house.

"Brooke! Brooke!" I call out her name. I panicked and I start to cry.

"Brooke! Please. Wake up. I beg you. PLEASE."

I shake her abit but it was no use. She was unconscious. I quickly call for help. Nervousness strikes me when I call for help.

Minutes past and the ambulance finally arrived. The paramedics rush Brooke into the back of the ambulance. I follow behind her and into the ambulance.

I kept holding onto her hands while rushing to the hospital.

The people in the hospital are so busy. Patients come and go. Some were rushing and some were not. Brooke is taken to the ICU. I try to follow her into the ICU but I was cut off by the nurses. They told me to wait outside of the ICU but I can't stop thinking about her. Will she be okay? Will this be her last moment? My head is spinning around as I think.

* 4 hours later *

Thinking. Just thinking. I have been patiently waiting to be able to see Brooke for 4 hours and it's already 11 at night. My family kept on messaging me for the past few hours and I don't even bother to reply them.

"Mr Collins?" A nurse kindly speaks to me. I removed my face from my hands and look at her.


"You can see Brooke now if you want"

Damn right I want to see her. What was I doing here for 4 hours?

I follow the nurse to Brooke's room. Parts of her body are hanging from machines. Her face so still like the sea at night.

"Brooke.." I whisper softly and grabbed her hand.

"The doctors say that she had her injuries mostly around her stomach. Her digestive system couldn't function properly. It will take her at least 5 days to leave the hospital. You can stay as long as you like" the nurse says while flipping through a clipboard.

"Thank you" was all that I can say to the nurse. With that, she leaves and Brooke and I were the ones left in the room.

I keep on holding her hands. Her hands are so cold. I made circles with my thumb around her hands and kiss her goodnight in the forehead  before I drift off into sleep next to her.

Bruh sorry for not updating for like a month. Seriously really sorry. Stupid homework and school made me update slow. I am going to be free this week so i try to update more chapters.

And p.s. sorry if i made any mistakes on this chapter because I'm using my phone to type it. And sorry if it's short :( i tried

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