Chapter 5

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*Brooke's P.o.v*

The week passes quick and the weekend started. I got out my bed, I still have no bed covers, no blankets, no furniture, nothing. And that's why Chris had promised to accompany me to the mall to get some furniture.

Over the week, we talked alot. I finally got his phone number after the day that we first hugged. He got mine too, and ever since then, we couldn't stop talking to each other. We literally couldn't get enough of each other.

My phone vibrates indicating that there's a message. I open it and it's Chris

From Christiannn(:

-Good morning beautiful ;) Ready for 'furniture shopping' today?

To Christiannn(:

-I've never been more ready. Breakfast first?

From Christiannn(:

-Sure thing :) I'll pick you up in a bit.

We greet each other every morning. He would also call me beautiful. It means nothing really, but I don't know about him. I mean, we're just friends right? I think Christian knows that too. Chris is the first person to ever call me beautiful. He gives me butterflies every time he calls me beautiful, I've never felt that way before until now.

I quickly clean myself up and put on my clothes. I put on my glasses and grab my phone. When I head downstairs, I can see mom and a guy with sunglasses on just sitting there by the couch, casually talking. I feel awkward when I'm there. Of course, being a well mannered girl, I greet the guy.

"Hello" I said, making the 'o' sound longer.

That's when the both of them notices me.

"Brooke you're up. Come here."  she motions me towards her. I did.

"This is Marcus. Marcus, this is Brooke." she motions to the guy, now I see every features of his. Just now, I couldn't see his face despite that he's wearing sunglasses.

His body is filled with tattoos. He takes off his sunglasses and I could see the colours of his eyes. Brown. He's a tall guy. 

He takes out his hand for me to shake and I shake it.

"Do you like the house?" Marcus said to me.

"I love every bit about it, It's just that my room wasn't furnished. Haahahah" I let out a sarcastic laugh. I don't even know how that came out. Marcus just looked at me. Okay, weird. I took my gaze off Marcus and straight to mom.

"So mom, I'm gonna go get breakfast with Chris and I'm gonna buy some furniture and stuffs for my bedroom" I said to my mom.

"Oh okay, here's a few thousand dollars" as mom was fishing out some money from her purse, she was stop by Marcus.

"No hun. Let me take care of it." Marcus took out his wallet and hand me his credit card.

"Oh no man, I'm not taking your money." I said, refusing to take the card.

"Love, you're already living in a house that I paid for, having furniture that I also paid for. Now take my card before I change my mind" he said and shoved the card to my hands. Ouch. Okay then, he just made a bad first impression towards me.

Seconds later, I heard a knock on the door. Chris.

I open the door and there he was, standing there with that cute smile of his. What the hell? Stop okay Brooke, you haven't even gain his trust yet.

"Hey" he said and looked inside of my house, where he saw Marcus and me mom.

I smiled at him and told my mom that we're going out. We make our way to Chris' car. He open the door for me before going into the dirver's seat. Such gentleman.

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