Chapter 15

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* Brooke's P.o.v *

I'm now looking at myself in the mirror of a public washroom. Luckily no one is around.

Why me?

Why does things like this always happen to me?

Was I a terrible person during my last life?

I didn't even mean to do anything to anyone. I just wanted a normal happy life.

Chris should be back by now. He said that he's going to get some clothes from his car. Thank God that he always keeps emergency clothes in his car.

"Hey Brooke. You in there?" A knock comes from the washroom door.

"Yea I'm still here" I say and open the door.

"Thanks Chris" I try smiling, I can't feel my muscles so I forced it.

Grey hoodie, basketball shorts. Okay.

I quickly change into the clothes and come out of the stall.

"Hey you okay?" Chris asks as we sit down together at some place where no one, not even a single soul would see us.

"I...I just don't know why people would do that to me" my voice cracking at the end as I break into tears.

Chris pulls me closer into him.

"The world is like that. People get jealous all the time, it's up to us whether we want to stay strong or let them push us down."

"Back in kindergarten, someone poured milk to my head too, cried so hard that I couldn't talk for 2 days."

I try to laugh but it sounded like a dying cat.

"So it's okay if they get jealous. It shows that we're above them and they're below us. So don't you dare think about them and I don't consider those people as colliners"

He lifts my chin up so that we're eye to eye.

"Promise me you'll stay strong and I'll promise that I'll help you go through it too. Together. Okay?"

"Okay" I try to smile.

He kisses me passionately on the lips even though I am a complete wreck right now.

Our foreheads now touching . A smile creeps across his face. And he says.....

"I want to take you to my favorite place in the whole wide world. Only me and Crawford knows the place."

He guides me hand in hand to his car and drives to 'his favorite place'.

"You have to close your eyes throughout the whole ride"


"Because my favorite place, is also my secret place. If you open your eyes throughout the whole ride, you would know where it is and it won't be a secret anymore."

"Fine." I'm starting to get a little happier thanks to Chris. My mood changes really quick from 0 to 100.

The whole ride feels like hours when it's only about 20 minutes. I think Chris is getting annoyed by me because I kept saying the same sentence for the last 10 minutes.

"Are we there yet?"

"Why is your 'secret place' so farrr"

"I'm so tired. You know what. I think I'll go to sleep now."

"We're almost there" Chris says.

"Oh don't. You've been saying that for 5 times"

"No seriously. And now we're here"

The car comes to a complete stop.

"Wait" he says and I can hear the door opening on his side and mine opening a few seconds later.

I reach my hand out for Chris. Still closing my eyes, I kinda tripped, the fact that I'm still closing my eyes.

The trip cause me to fall towards Chris, onto his chest.

"Woahhh Careful. Princess" he says while gently holding me up.

Princess. Haha. I giggled inside my thoughts.

"You can open your eyes now"

I open my eyes and....

"The park?" I ask, not believing what was going on right now.

"Yeap. It's the place where I feel like myself. Come, let me show you my favourite hang out spot"

He takes my hand and takes me to his 'favourite spot'.

So... his favourite spot is basically just a bench near the lake. Where you can see ducks swimming in the lake. The place is deserted.

"Where is everybody?" I ask

"Probably at home. Playing video games and stuff"

Wow. That's deep. It's actually true you know. You don't see people outside often that much anymore since everyone is at home busy with their technology life and no caring about what's outside.

He guides me to his favourite bench to sit and we pretty much talk about deep stuffs.


*Third person P.o.v *

"So how did it go?" She asks while the two of them joins her at the local Starbucks.

"I did as you tell me to. Dump the drink on her head" Amanda says proudly.

"But we need to find something even..... greater to threaten her life."

"Oh don't worry. I know someone who can help us" The other girl, Violet, says.


So today's my birthday :D *yays* and I decided to post this. Sorry for the delay though :(


Where are you guys from? :)
-im from Borneo

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