Chapter 16

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* Brooke's P.o.v *

A week later

So today's the day.

My mom's getting married.... again.

For the past week,
Me and my mom tried to work things out because I can't just stay in Chris' house forever.

Surprisingly, she forgives me for everything. I guess we're cool now.

Mark apologized to me, after what he's done to me, I forgave him.

I now try to accept Mark as my stepdad, slowly.

I just got back from church. ( chris wasnt there ) It's only noon, and the wedding dinner is like... 5 hours away?

I lay my red dress on my bed. Looking at it like I've never seen it before.

My phone on my desk gives a ding indicating a message. I ignore it since I already knew it's either The collins, mom or Mark.

I start to get ready all of the things that I need to bring/wear tonight when my phone starts to ding non stop.

What in the world....

I go over to my phone and the message was from someone


How did he/she get my phone number?

I open the message and all it said is

Hey Brooke

How are you doing?

Pretty dress you have there.

Seems to me that your whore of a mom is getting married today

Have fun today with Chris

Make sure you make it like your last

See you there.

Don't miss me too much.

How can he/she knows that my mom is getting married and about my dress? And NO ONE calls my mom a whore.

I go over to my window and I could see a white van quickly speeding away from my front yard.


Should I tell Chris about it? yes I think I should

Immediately, I call him.

"Hey babe"

GAwd can he not be so seductive right now?

"Hey Chris. Some random person just sent me a message telling me to make this night my last. HELP."

"Who's the one that sent you that message?" He says. I could picture him making his angry face.

"I-I seriously don't know. I'm freaking out now" my breath starts to quicken a bit.

"Don't worry. Remember what I said? I'll never let anyone hurt you. I'll keep a look for that 'mysterious person' tonight"

"Okay" relief flows throughout my whole body.

"I'll pick you up at 5:30 is that okay?" He says. I could picture that cute smile of his.

"Sure. See you later. Love you" butterflies in my stomach when I say the words 'love you'

We both hang up and it's....
3 more hours to go. Okay. I think I better take a shower and put on my make up first.

= 5.25pm =

5 more minutes. I put on the red dress that Chris and I bought together that day. I look at the floor length mirror in my bedroom. Wow. For once I actually feel pretty myself.

Tears wanting to come out of my eyes but I quickly stop it because I already have make up on.

*Ding Dong*

Chris is here. I yell from my bedroom to tell him to come in.

"Just give me a minute." I yell again.

Okay here we go. I slowly walk out of my bedroom, wearing white heels. I grab my purse from the table containing my phone and a pair of slip-on just in case.
I walk down the stairs and I could see Chris standibg there, waiting for me in his tux.

His face is full of amazement.

"You look freaking amazing" he says as he kisses my cheeks.

We go outside together with his hand on my waist. He guides me to his car and off we go to the wedding dinner.

* wedding dinner *

As Chris and I arrive, I could see that something is wrong.

Why is everybody wearing black and white?

That's when I realise why when some random woman says to me

"Why are you wearing red? This is a black and white theme wedding dinner. Didn't you read the invitation?"

I quickly dig out the invitation from my purse. There's nothing. Oh em wait.. the back.

Theme: Black and White

Well that's what you get for not reading the back of the paper.( That's what you get from waking up in Vegass.. Okay lol no why Katy Perry.)

"It's okay Brooke. You stand out in the crowd. You're beautiful" he says looking at me with his eyes.

So we settle down on a table with random people. Some people look at me weirdly from the way that I dress but I don't care.

Dinner is freaking awesome. The dessert.... Freaking AMAZING.

"let's welcome the bride and groom to give their speech"

My mom and Mark look stunning af.

They give their speech and it's time for their first dance. Later, other people join in too.

Chris gives me a look, wriggling her eyebrows and point towards the dancing floor. I nod and he grabs both of my hands and lead me to the dance floor.

"I don't know how to slow dance Chris" I say, laughing a little.

"Don't worry, just follow my lead" he says and just like that, we sway back and forth and dance like pros.

"Out of everyone here, you're the most beautiful girl" he whispers to my ear and it makes me blush.

"Even if I'm the black sheep here?" I ask.

"Being different is beautiful. And you're beautiful, you're the only one wearing red here."

We continue to slow dance until my stomach starts growling. I think I need to fart, but not here. Damn it food, even though you taste awesome, you can be quite gassy though.



"Can you please excuse me? I need to go to the bathroom."

"Uh sure. Do you need me to accompany you? You know...the mystery person today that sent you the message"

"Right. Okay. I think the bathroom is like outside?"

The bathroom is indeed outside.

I left Chris outside while I go in and do my business.

Minutes later, I come out and Chris was no where to be seen.

"Chris? Chris? Come on Chris don't play with m-"

I saw Chris by the corner, he's kissing a girl, Valerie.

Trust me, you're gonna love me when you find out what's gonna happen.

P.s. I feel sick today. Hope you guys like it.

Lots of love xx

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