Chapter 6

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* Christian's P.o.v *

While we're walking out of H&M, Brooke clumsily bump into someone. Knocking all her bags filled with clothes. Being a gentleman, I help her pick up all her stuffs. Once I'm done, I stood behind Brooke. Then I realized....

A familiar girl with long brown hair with grey eyes, I froze a bit.

"Valerie?" I said confused by the minute.

She looked at me and smiled.

"Oh hi there Chris" she said.

I could see Brooke giving me the 'you-know-this-girl' face.

"I see you're out here shopping with your.... em...... girlfriend?" She said and points towards Brooke.

"She's not my girlfriend" I said. I shouldn't have said that. I could see Brooke looking down at her shoes. Hold up, I didn't even confess my love for her. Why is she acting like that? And yet, it still hurts me a bit by saying that.

Valerie is my girlfriend.... well used to... I mean I used to date her but I've never called it over between us. You see, I wasn't always living in Calgary. Before I moved to Calgary, I actually live in Vancouver. Went to school and actually dated a girl named Valerie. She was a clingy girlfriend. That's why my parents decided to move to Calgary. Lol not because of me for getting rid of Valerie but for my sister, Kirsten on her singing career. When she found out about my moving, she was so angry. She yell at me and told me that this wasn't the last of us. Of course she knew that when I move to Calgary, I'll forget about her and move on with life. And up until today, I don't know why but she managed to move to Calgary? After all these years.

"Well then, I guess that's cleared up, come on let's go" Valerie said and pull me by the arm and dragging me away from Brooke.

"I'm sorry Brooke. I'll text you later" I mouthed to a confused face Brooke holding up her hands in the air.

When Valerie saw me still looking at Brooke, she pull my arm a little harder.

"Come on let's go Chris" she said with that high pitched voice

"But Brooke-" she cut me off by saying "LETS GO" She said her voice sounding more aggressive.

I feel so sad for Brooke, in her life she always get rejected. And I'm not going to let her go just by that. But I have no choice this bitch keeps dragging me away. I mean Brooke doesn't even have a ride home.

"Why are you here and what do you want with me?" I said sternly and flick off her hands holding onto my arm.

"Darling Chris don't you get it? I moved here so I can be with you, like we used to." She said looking at me straight in the eyes.

"Don't you get it Valerie? I've moved on. It's been 8 years Val, and besides, I don't think we can be together for that long" I said and I hope that she won't yell at me. But I stand corrected.

"HOW COULD YOU CHRIS? I SPECIALLY MOVED HERE SO I CAN CONTINUE TO BE WITH YOU" okay now she is starting to cry. And everyone is looking at us.

"I'm really sorry Val, I've moved on" I quickly go away so that she won't try to drag me back and I really don't want to start a scene.

Part of me is saying Gosh look what you've done, and now she's there crying. I thought you were a kind heart-ed guy And a part of me is saying Screw her, I mean you've moved on in your life. She's history. She should stop being so clingy and move on with her life. It's been 8 years Chris, it's time that she moves on.

I head to the parking lot and text Brooke

To Brookkiee :p 

- Hey where are you??? I'm really sorry about that earlier. I'm gonna be at the parking lot waiting for you.

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