Chapter 14

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Please read till the end. Okay continue reading :)

* Brooke's P.o.v *

You're invited to
Marcus Randall Jibuski and
Greta Macy Johnson's wedding on the 28th of June at St Luke's Catholic Church at 9.30am

That's like a week from now.

Wedding banquet at Fancy restaurant (wow Debbie. What a nice name) at 7pm.

"Why?" Is all I could say.

"Why what? I love him and he loves me. You wouldn't understand it." She grabs her things and head for the door.

Ok that all happened so fast. Wait...let me process the whole thing that just happened. Oh wait no, I can't process.

Chris just looks at me stunted.

"Whhhaatt was that?"

"Well apparently my half psycho half loving mom is going to get married... again.. and I'm invited" My voice being a little sarcastic in the end.

"Why would you need an invitation letter? You're the daughter of the bride, who is your own flesh and blood."

I just shrug. I turn the paper over and it said

"Chris can come..."

"Hey guess what? You can come! I'm really surprised by that though" I say and hand the paper over to Chris.

"I'm happy to come with you...if you let me be your date" he wriggles his eyebrows a bit, looking at me straight in the eyes with a knowing smirk.

"Sure you'll be my date. Who else would you be? My friend with benefits?" I say back while walking out of the house.

"And.... I also need a dress" I turn to look at him, standing behind me with his hands intertwine with mine.

"Mall now?" I say

"Sure. I'll tell my parents first" he says and left me there standing outside of his house. I don't mind though.

He comes out of his house and leads me to his car. Before I can even open the car door, he runs to my side and opens the door for me.

"Hey I know how to open a door Chris" I say blushing a bit.

"I'm a gentleman, and a gentleman has to do what a gentleman does"

"Whatever" I playfully rolls my eyes at him and gets into his car.

During the drive, Chris took several quick glances at me, smiling. He had one hand on the wheel and the other on my hand the whole way.

*inside the mall*

"So which store do you wanna go to?" Chris asks while we hold hands, swinging it every now and then

"Don't know. Let's just walk and look around" I say. After walking for a few minutes, I found a store that I really like.

I go inside and there... A beautiful knee-length strapless red dress with shiny fake diamonds on it. I thought This is definitely the one.

I take the dress out of the rack and shows it to Chris?

"I don't know about fashion but I can tell that it will definitely look good on you" he says blushing.

I go into the fitting room and put it on. Holy shizz. I look hot. This is definitely it.

I don't want to show it to Chris until the day that I finally wear it.

I change back into my normal clothes and goes to the cashier. I think it's not that expensive....

"That will be a hundred dollars miss" says the cashier.

Okay. It's not that expensive for a dress like that?

I see Chris taking out his wallet and I immediately stop him.

"No. It's my dress. So I pay" I say and he puts his hands up in surrender. I laugh at his gesture. He's so cute.

"I'm hungry Chris." I say, grabbing my stomach as we make our way out the store.

"Taco bell?"

"YASSSS TACO!!" I say. Too excited for food. I wish that I can be this hype for school, but no.


"Mmmm... Yum yum" I take a bite of my taco. Savouring every ingredient in it.

"How can you be so cute when you're eating" Chris says, poking a finger to my cheek.

"Cause I'm an alien" I say between bites.


"Thank you" I say, with a smirk.

We continue walking around the mall when I hear whispers...

"Omg is that WeeklyChris?"
"Who's that girl he's with?"

And that's when almost every girl in the mall is here. Next to us. Next to Chris.

"Chris can I have a picture with you?"
"Chris how are you?"

"Can you give me a second?" He says. I nod my head and lets go of his hand so that he can take some pictures with the fans.

I sit down on a bench near the crowd of fangirls. Waiting for Chris. I don't really mind if fans hug Chris. I mean as long as I know that he is mine and I'm his. I've got nothing to worry about.

Just then two girls with starbucks drinks come to me. I'm not really good at talking to strangers. The fact that I still have anxiety living inside me, my heart starts to pump real quick.

"Why are you even with Chris?" A girl with black hair and blue eyes says to me.

"Errm...I...." No words come out of my mouth.

"You're such a whore. Just stay away from him. A girl like you doesn't deserve a guy like Chris." The other girl with dirty blonde hair says.

I start to cry. I have no idea what to do. A tear starts to roll down my cheeks. I don't dare to look at them. I'm fiddling with my fingers and one of them dumps her starbucks drinks to my head. Strawberry frappe.

I quickly stand up and the girl that dumps her drink (black haired) starts laughing really loud.

What am I going to do? What am I going to do?

"Brooke!" I hear Chris coming to my way.

"What happened?" He looks at me. At my wet self. He looks at the two girls in front of me who stopped laughing.

"It was an accident. I swear." She says and quickly drags her other friend to another place.

"Let's get you clean up" He guides me to the washroom. And I'm still crying from what had happened.

First of all, THANK YOU for all the comments telling me to quickly update and it really pushes me to really update this story quickly even with all the freaking projects that's due early next month and school work. I really enjoy writing this story. I cannot believe that this book is nearly at 7k reads. You all are the best :')

Thank you <3

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