Chapter 24

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* Marcus' P.o.v *

Brooke where are you

Since I can't contact Chris, it's up to me to find her like this - without technology.
I walk along the sidewalk and I see a cop standing there, looking around in front of an ice cream shop.

God please let me find Brooke

At last, my prayers have been answered. Brooke is inside the ice cream shop, trying to get the cop's attention. Why isn't he doing his job? Maybe he's also part of the plan.

As I make my way towards the ice cream shop, a man drags Brooke out and puts her into a car. I quickly memorize the car plate and follow it.

* Brooke's P.O.V *

"What do you really want" I try to keep my cool and not to sound scared because he has a freakin gun.

"If you prick us do we not bleed?--"

He's coming closer, but this time with a small knife in his hand.

"If you tickle us do we not laugh?--"

A few feet away from me now

"If you poison us do we not die?--"

"SERIOUSLY WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! See this is why mom left you, you psychopath!"

He cuts my tied up right arm. Leaving a small but deep cut.

"And if you wrong us shall we not have REVENGE?!"

"Arghh..." I groan as the blood slowly runs down my arm. Tears start to stream down my messed up face

"STOP IT! You don't need to do this!" I spit at him.

"I swore to myself that I'll find you and get my revenge!" He spits back.

I silently cry to myself and hope that something will miraculously safe me from this horrible horrible man.

"It's all your mother's fault. Bringing you into this world. I kept telling her to get an abortion but NO she didn't, she wanted to keep you, hoping that you will not be like her, hoping you'll be as perfect as ever, but I doubted that."

I continue to cry silently as he continues to rant about my existence.

I guess God heard my prayers. A guy slam open the door - Marcus, dad.
He has a few scratches on his face, I guess he got it from fighting the dumb assistant outside.

"Who are you?!" Screamed the evil man.

"Your worst nightmare" he says.

Marcus quickly comes to my side and cut me loose and before I could thank him, he is in hand-to-hand combat with my biological father.

The evil man grabs his gun from the table and shoot Marcus' abdomen, but before Marcus falls to the ground, he blows a punch to his face, knocking down that evil man in an instant.

" you okay?" I quickly grab hold of him and drag him outside quickly before that evil man regains his consciousness.

As soon as we're outside, my first thought is to get him to the hospital immediately, but there's no car. Marcus tells me to get out in the open so that people could see us. We limp onto the streets and luckily, an old man sees us and offers us a ride to the hospital.

On the way to the hospital, I tell the old man what had happened, everything. Being a kind human being, he calls for the cops and asks me whether I would like to call other people, of course I say yes and dial Chris' number.

"Hello?" a tired Chris answers.

"CHRIS! Marcus rescued me and we're on the way to the hospital. Meet me there!" I say, happy to be able to talk to him.


"I'll tell you everything at the hospital. I miss you (that came out automatically)" I end the call and hand it back to the old man.

"You're going to be okay dad..........." I say hugging him tightly as he grunts back to me, I think he is saying 'okay'.


SO i finally finished my exams, IT WAS TERRIBLE. But there's always next time right? Anywaysss, I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter and I was thinking about a sequel to this story since, (spoiler alert) this book is coming to an end BUT THATS OKAY IM planning a sequel for it. ALL WILL BE REVEALED IN THE SEQUEL.

PEace out! ;) -DEbbs

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