A/N - completed until season six!

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And that concludes Fight Club until the final season of Cobra Kai! Crazy. Hope you guys enjoyed. I struggled a lot to get through writing these past few episodes. I struggled so much with inspiration and not feeling good enough. I tried to bring myself to write but I just couldn't. Dylan is still such a cool character though and I hope this story has been worth your time. I tried to continue with writing 15 chapters per season, but found it really hard to do so with this and I just didn't want to drag it out whatsoever. I felt there were a lot of scenes that Dylan would have no part in, so I apologize for that.

this book is monumental for me and even though i feel like there's a lot that i could have done better, i still feel so so proud of it. please show some support on the page and leave some votes on anything else i post because god only knows what's coming next. cobra kai took up my life for half of high school and now as a college student with the final season coming out most likely by the end of 2024, it's crazy to think that'll be the end of an era for me.

I'll be back when season six comes out! See you then!

— D

¹FIGHT CLUB, miguel diazWhere stories live. Discover now