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Bleu's Apartment
Miami FL

Who wants that perfect love story
Any way, anyway

As Bleu sprinkled carpet odor eliminator on the carpet of her bedroom as On The Run softly played throughout her apartment.

Putting the box on the dresser below her television, which was mounted on the wall, Bleu lowly murmured, "What about the bad that goes good, yeah."

She unwrapped the vacuum cord a bit more and then used her left foot to press the power button.

Her phone began ringing making her quickly move across her room to retrieve it from her bathroom.

Tegga is calling..

Placing the phone on speaker after clicking the green phone icon hearing background conversations and music.

She shifted all of her weight to her left side then put her right foot on her left chewing her bottom lip waiting for him to speak, praying he wasn't requesting her to come in on her day off.

"I need you here tonight," he demanded ending the call.

She picking her phone up furrowing her eyebrows together in disgust.

"I know he fucking lying," she spoke out-loud not to anyone particular since she was home alone. Mr. Tegga was never one to be rude to Bleu in any way, shape, or form. He gave her the upmost respect over all the girls. So for him just hang up she did not like that, at all.

She put her phone down to continue to clean up her bedroom, she'll get there when she gets there.

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Miami FL

11:45PM Bleu pulled her sequin pink duffle bag higher on her shoulder before walking through the door Trey held open for her.

Walking through the crowd of people to reach the dancers' dressing area, she purposely bumped the people who chose to ignore her when she politely said 'excuse me'.

Making it to the empty room, she let out a deep breath while sitting at her vanity and glancing at herself in the mirror. Closing her eyes, Bleu spoke encouraging words to herself. No matter how long she'd been working at Allure is still made her anxiety about being around and groped by complete strangers.

Standing up from her from her vanity to get dressed. Looking around the room at the other girl vanities that had pictures of their friends and family taped to their mirror on the tables, wishing she had someone.

Growing up she didn't try to socialize because the devil on her shoulder would tell her they were just going to leave anyways. Making her push away any potential friendships and gain enemies.

She spent most of her life fighting off people that once tried to befriend her just because she simply declined their friendship offers. Even at Allure she dealt with the middle school like nitpicking from the other girls there.

She only came to work, get paid, and leave; she would be completely finished with with Allure in less than four months.

She got out of her chair, after fastened her silver seven-inch heels to her ankles, and took a brief look at herself in the full-body mirror before moving on to avoid overanalyzing.

Leaving out the room ignoring the other females who were standing in line outside Mr. Tegga's door.

Balling her fist up, she persistently knocked on the door until he eventually opened it with a face-contoured in anger that quickly subsided when he realized it was his biggest source of revenue.

"Hanging up on my face never do that again," Bleu hissed making him quickly nod his head in obedience. He was aware that Bleu was so talented that she could simply apply to another club and easily get the job.

Them Ballet, modern, hip-hop, and belly dancing lessons paid beneficial in this field.

"Two minutes," he told watching her nod her head before closing his door.

She headed to the bar to ask Amber for two vodka shots, that she quickly downed before heading backstage to wait for her stage name to be called.

Shaking the anxiety from her, she raised her head. When performing on stage, you had to exude nothing but confidence because the men in the club were like hounds and could smell anything else on you.

"This is everybody's favorite POISON IVY" the clubs DJ announced.

The beginning of Allure played throughout the club as Bleu lowly sexy walked to the pole in the center of the stage waiting for Brent Faiyaz to start saying his lyrics.

She only needed to look seductively at the men in the crowd, do a few moves, throw some ass, and show some teeth since it was a slow song.

They loved Bleu's eyes as she could make them to do anything they asked. Right now her eyes were telling them to empty their pockets, which they gladly did.

Smiling at all the money on the stage winking towards the caucasian male in the suit and tie that threw the most. He definitely had a wife at home waiting up for him his wedding band on his left hand was the evidence.

Bleu walked to the dressing room knowing her job was done for she wasn't on schedule so she wasn't going to stay longer than she had too.

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