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Bleu's Apartment
Miami FL

SAME DAY Bleu and Yarielle sat on the floor of Bleu's living room painting one another toes while watching Legally Blonde.

Bleu hadn't spoke to Yamari since about two days ago nor had Arielle, Ari, Yazmyn or Mrs. Hazel. Figuring maybe he needed space Bleu didn't think too much into it.

Feeling the vibration of her phone in pocket of her pink dolphin shorts she put the white polish down reaching for it. Fanning her hand over the foot she just painted for Arielle-as if that would help it dry faster.

Memorial Regional Hosp. is calling..

Seeing that it was the hospital assuming something happened with her mother she answered immediately.

"Hello," She greeted after pressing the green phone icon putting the phone on speaker.

"Good Afternoon is this Bleu Williams?" the automatic system asked on the other side of the phone questioned receiving a nearly inaudible yes from a anxious Bleu.

"This is Memorial Regional Hospital we are calling to informing you that Mr. Kingston-". Bleu hung up the phone not letting it finish if it was bad news she'd rather hear it in person.

Quickly putting on her petunia colored Tory Burch slides while Arielle put on her moon jelly colored Crocs with confusion written throughout her face.

Nobody was informed he was hospitalized.

As the two rode on the elevator to the car garage they made phone calls to Mrs. Hazel and Yazmyn informing about what was going on.

The four all felt different emotions but one that overshadowed the others was fear.

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Memorial Regional Hospital
Hollywood FL

Mrs. Hazel prayed with Yazmyn to the man up above. Arielle held a sleep Ari as tears came down her puffy cheeks.

Bleu sat beside Mrs. Hazel and Yazmyn trying to ignore their praying.

She was atheist. God seemed to fail her too much for her believe he was real. First her parents, her grandmother, and now Yamari.

What type of God that's suppose to love you unconditionally would continue to take the people you love away from you?

She became so familiar with Yamari she wanted to learn him more. Just for a tad bit longer but it seemed like any ounce of happiness she gained in her life was ripped away.

"Family of Yamari Kingston," a mocha-skinned nurse announced looking up from her white clipboard.

After a hour long wait they were finally getting some type of information.

"I'm Nurse Braxter. Yamari is in critic condition right now from the accident. In his blood we found traces of cannabis, Alprazolam and small traces of Fentanyl. Thankfully less than one kilogram. Also he has two broken ribs, his left-shoulder was out of place which we were able to put back in place, and his right leg is fractured" the nurse stated to the females faces that expressed nothing but confusion.

Everyone was aware he smoked weed the smell was evident on him almost everyday he came home but the other drugs were a shocker.

"Can we see him?" Arielle asked making direct eye contact with Nurse Braxter receiving a nod and information on his room.

The group of people quickly walked to his room that was right down the hall.

Entering the dim lit room they saw a conscious Yamari sitting on the bed looking out the window avoiding their eyes as Let's Make A Deal played on the television.

Ashamed. Embarrassed. Were the only two feelings he was feeling right now. Only, Derrick and Brandon knew of his addiction and he made them swear to never tell his grandmother. Now it would be him to have to tell. Well not necessarily but more as explain everything since now it's gotten him in the hospital. He turned his head to see his grandmother, Mrs. Hazel standing in front of everyone silently crying at the injures of her only grandson.

He would definitely have to get his shit together, immediately.

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