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Miami FL

3:00AM he mistakenly dropped his 3.5 in the passenger seat of his car waiting for Bleu to get off. Quickly grabbing it, he'd be a plum fool to waste some still smokable weed. Grabbing a white pill that was pretty tucked into the crease of the seat by mistake. Realizing it was a Percocet 10 he froze.

He sat in the car as his mind was trying to tell him that he needed it but he was fighting it. He was doing too good to go start over from the beginning. With him being so caught up in his thoughts he hadn't realized Bleu getting in the car. She quickly grabbed the pill throwing it out making the decision for him.

"It's a process" she said hugging Yamari as he looked outside the passenger window with a blank expression on his face. He was so tempted that had she not stepped in when she did he probably would've been right back at square one. Throughout these past couple of months Bleu had been beside him keeping him from doing anything.

Literally she cleaned out the families shared medicine cabinet and was constantly making sure he was only smoking weed. If anyone got sick they'd deal with that when it came.

Ari pain pills from the accident were kept in Mrs. Hazels underwear drawer; where Yamari would never think to look because who wants to see a drawer full of granny panties? Not him or anyone else in the family so Mrs. Hazel only gave Ari her medicine.

Removing hisself from the hug he began driving not changing his facial expression, Bleu looked at him with a anguished look. She felt almost everything he was feeling although he didn't verbally tell her. Life of being an empathist unwarned.

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Kingston Residence
Fort Lauderdale FL

Pulling into the four car garage Yamari pressed his push to start button turning the car off before just sitting there. Bleu had rolled him a few blunts while they road in a pretty uncomfortable silence and was now currently sleep in the passenger seat.

Yamari was too disappointed in himself. He lacked self control to immediately tell himself that he didn't need it and it was bad for him.

Noticing the car was no longer moving Bleu began shifting in the seat trying to find comfort while searching for the noise the tires made while driving on the freeway. Slowly blinking she realized they were parked in the garage looking to left realizing Yamari was still in his head.

Placing her left hand on his right that sat on his lap. He looked over to her with a sorrow look before chancing realizing Bleu face was unreadable which was odd considering her face aways told how she was feeling in that moment. Now it was just blank and showed nothingness not from her just waking up but because at this moment she felt nothing. She was so absorbed in his world she was putting her feelings on the back burner.

Breaking down in tears Bleu began panicking. Her life wasn't running as smoothly as it was suppose to as she had it. She was suppose to be all about work and school but it just seemed as if she was constantly pausing her life to help someone else. It was just too much to bear. She graduated in a week and was almost done catching up with all her missing assignments after receiving extensions past finals, thankfully.

She needed to worry about herself right now but she just couldn't. To her Yamari needed her; he did. She needed him just as much but she lacked communication skills so she didn't even know where to begin when it came conversationing about how she was feeling right now.

Sitting in Yamari lap crying into his Sp5der web hoodie as he slowly rubbed his hand in a up-down motion on her back cooing as if she was Ari after she had hurt herself.

"I-i" Bleu started but couldn't finish due to cutting herself off by crying.

"Take your time phat" he said watching her clean her face and get herself ready to communicate.

"I feel like my life is slowly falling apart. And, maybe I'm bein' dramatic b-but I feel like everything is crumblin' around me. It suffocating" Bleu revealed causing Yamari to think about his response before responding.

Bleu had never expressed something so vulnerable. She was usually so reserved with everything, so when she confided in him, he had to respond appropriately so they could keep breaking down the barriers she had set.

"Separate yourself yo'self. If that means some distance between us so be it. You've been helpin' me. It's time for you to selfish phat. Ima' still be here when she ready" Yamari concluded continuing to rub her back. She nodded her head not wanting to say anything else due to the minor headache she gained from crying. Feeling her eyes getting heavy she began listening to his heart beat and breathing pattern falling asleep.

She didn't want to separate herself from him. Her whole soul would be ripped from body if she did.

Seeing her body slowly rise and fall indicating she fell asleep he stepped out the car still holding her walking to his bedroom.

He placed her in the chair he had in his bedroom before going to his bathroom to begin bath water for her. If she didn't take tonight funk off her she'd be pissed.

Completing both his and her hygiene he slipped under the covers as she moved her nude body closer to his searching for his heartbeat and breathing pattern again.

The two fell asleep with one worry on their brains; losing one another. One of their biggest fear. They completed one another to well they didn't want to spend life without the other.

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