Ikarishipping: Spoiled troublesome

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"Here is it, Miss. Have a great day."


Misty smiled at the merchant as she grabbed the vegetables he handed her.

He quickly asked. "Do you need help, Miss?"

"No, I'm okay. Thank you."

Misty has been getting that a lot lately; after all, everyone could tell she was pregnant. She was on her eighth month. Everyone saw it, and children pointed at her all the time and shouted "Mom! This woman is soooooo fat!"

"Are you sure, Miss?"

"I'm-I'm fine." Misty flashed a small nervous smile and tried carrying the bag with one hand. She had no idea it'd be such a pain to carry a bag of groceries. Damn Ash, deciding to travel only when she needs him.

It was the bad side of dating the Pokemon Master, and carrying his child as well. The cravings were impossible. Misty knew they were having a boy even before the doctor confirms it; he just had Ash's appetite.

Misty succeeded in moving few steps away on her own. She placed the bag on the ground for a second and started breathing heavily.

"I'm hopeless... I should have accepted Delia's help..."

Misty took a deep breath and reached for her bag again, only to see it get taken from the back by another hand. The redhead turned around.

Her eyes widened. "P-Paul?"

The purple haired stared.

"P-what? Paul-what are you doing he-what? I mean what?"

"What's wrong?"

Misty's mouth opened. She tried to straighten up. "Uhm, hi Paul?"

Paul looked up slightly. He started walking away.

"Hey! Give me back my vegetables!"

Paul turned around before he said, "I need you. Follow me."

Misty watched him with wide eyes.



Paul was a gift from God. At least Misty didn't have to carry anything around now.

She knew that he and Ash weren't very good friends. Paul has always wanted the title, and Ash battled hard so that won't happen. Misty still remembers the time when they started a fight over a lunch at Gary's and if it weren't for the guys, they'd have crashed each others' faces.

Not even Gary likes him that much, but only because Ash thinks of Paul as a strong rival that Gary was. There is also the fact that Paul has beaten Gary in the Professional Pokemon League (and he won the league anyway, after knocking out Barry and all others). Misty was sure it is the main reason why he doesn't like him that much.

In all, a visit from him wasn't expected, if not reassuring. Misty only shared a very special bond with his girlfriend, Dawn, whom she knew thanks to Ash, and she had nothing to do with Paul-




Paul turned around.

"Is something wrong with Dawn...?"


"Oh, that's... bad."

Paul has taken Misty for a cup of coffee (well, she ordered an orange juice, since caffeine was a big no-no for her). She's stolen a sip from Paul's cup, and he's given her a harsh glare because she did.

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