Pokeshipping: Fortunately, unfortunately (Re-upload)

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Ash and Misty were playing a little game together... which led them to a confession and a sweet kiss!


By @GingerAndy

"Fortunately, unfortunately!"

The raven haired teen shouted to his female companion as she lied down on the grass next to him, resting on her right side and supporting herself with her elbow. Her boy friend had his legs stretched and his hands behind his head, staring straight at the sky.

"What's this?" she asked curiously.

"You see, I say a sentence, you tell an unfortunate event that happens, I tell a fortune one that happened after that… and so on!"

"Oh ..." the girl's aquarium bright eyes widened slightly. She tucked her fiery hair behind her ear and spoke up,

"Shall I start then?!"

"Ladies first."

She let a girly giggle, and then begun, "Once… there was a black haired boy who wanted to be a Pokemon Master… "

Ash sat down, abruptly flexing his knees to his chest "Misty, you're impossible, you know that?"

Misty shrugged her shoulders, flashing a smirk. "Come on Ash, continue."

"Well ... unfortunately, he didn't wake up in time to get his first Pokemon," Ash rolled his eyes and lied back on the grass again.

"Fortunately, he got a Pikachu,"

"Unfortunately, Pikachu was hard to handle,"

"Fortunately, the black haired boy saved his Pikachu and they become best friends,"

"Unfortunately, a certain redhead girl's bike was fried in the process,"

Misty let a hard laugh as the same time as Ash.


"Come on, go on."

The redhead girl regained herself and let a sigh "Fortunately, she followed him everywhere and they became best friends"

Ash turned toward Misty, his mouth forming into a smile. Misty smiled back and snapped "Continue!"

"Oh, oh, okay… well… unfortunately, they had to split up after… "

Ash turned to her again, noticing the hint of sadness in her cerulean orbs, "After getting used so much to each other… "

Misty sat down, cross legged. She looked up high in the sky, her mouth starting to turn into a lovely smile,

"Fortunately, the best friends met up again, and they are happy with each other!"

At her words, Ash stood up and walked forward, stopping at the edge of the cliff. He turned around to Misty and told her, his voice loud,

"Unfortunately, the redhead thinks that the black haired is happy with being just a friend but he is not!"

Misty's eyes widened, standing up as she let a little gasp, "Ash?"

"Come on!" he yelled again, his arms in the air "Your turn!"

Misty stood up as well, her hands clenched to her chest "Fortunately, the redhead is not happy too… and—and wants the situation to change… "

Ash's face was emotionless. He took a deep breath before shouting again, "Unfortunately, no one knows how to change it! No one!"

"Fortunately, the redhead knows, and-and-" 

"Unfortunately, she is scared!"

"Fortunately, the black haired trainer is braver than her!" Misty shouted back, now getting angrier with every word spoken.

Ash froze.

"Un-unfortunately…” he stammered nervously, his lips quivering "Unfor-"

"You're braver than that, right?"

Misty walked toward the boy, her footsteps slow. She stood facing him, both looking into each others’ eyes, and not making a move.

"I-I really like you… I really do."

"I know, I feel the same."

Misty wrapped her arms around him, stroking gently his back and resting her head into his chest. Ash's arms hugged her in response and soon made their way to her waist-


Ash let an evil chuckle under his breath, now his hand stroking her back as well.

"You're impossible too."

"I know, we're both impossible."

They broke their hug, flashing each other a smile.

Ash stared at her, "You've grown!"


"You know… grown… " Ash shrugged his shoulders, cursing himself mentally for what he has just said as he looked like a total pervert.

Misty blinked several times, and grinned, "You did as well!" she exclaimed, slapping his toned arm. Ash chuckled nervously and rubbed his arm.

Of course the two old best friends have grown; Misty's body matured and developed, her swimming practice has made of her a slim, pretty teen girl, with a slender gorgeous body. A mature girl now, Misty has ditched the side ponytail, and would let her hair down most of the time.

"Dad makes me train every morning ..."

And if there was anyone who changed so much, it'd be Ash. He changed to the point that nobody would guess that he was ever on the plump side months ago. It was mainly thanks to his father. After all, nobody sleeps after six in the morning when Jonas Ketchum is home.

"Oh, that's rough," Misty stepped back slightly and looked him up and down, nodding her head slowly, "but worth it, if you ask me!"


"It's a compliment!"

Misty turned around and Ash put his arm over her shoulder, both walking.

"Dad is an army man. When he's home, he turns everything upside down!"

"Or maybe he turns it to the way it should have been! I know you, you lazy, food addicted!"

"Oh yeah, like flipping over my bed when waking me up?"

The two chuckled lightly, making their way out of the little forest and to the town. The two were soon out of the forest and in Pallet, and the first thing spotted was the professor Oak's lab.

Ash smirked.

"It was my turn to say an unfortunate event, right Misty?!"

Misty's eyebrows arched, and she nodded, hesitant "Euuh yeah… but why?!"

Ash wrapped an arm around her waist and grabbed her closer to his body. He pressed sweetly a very deep kiss to her lips, and soon retreated, starting to step back in fast steps.


"Unfortunately, Gary's going to get jealous because of this!" Ash shouted, before running down the path, surely to the Oak's lab. Little did she know he was blushing like mad and muttering to himself cursing words.

Misty was left there, her face as red as ever.

"Gary asked Dawn out already…"


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