Chapter 30

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Remember how I kinda just left you all on a cliffhanger?

Yeah, went through the plot, redid a few scenes in my head I and decided I'm gonna finish the story with a boom lol.

Disturbing scene at the end!!!!!!!!


(Y/n) stared at her counterpart and hummed at the word document she was editing before pointing out at the 'we' in a single sentence.

"It's just you okay? I technically don't exist properly within this world anymore, my files are technically outdated."

Her older counterpart paused at this and stared before leaning back with a laugh.

"This is so weird, the same people but experiencing different things, I still see you as me though. What even is the government doing? Failing to sought out your files."

(Y/n) rolled her eyes and shifted her legs. "I am you, you're older."

Her older counterpart hid a grimace but continued to type away, (Y/n) stared at the window and hummed. She should at least leave something behind for the kids and Dadzawa.




(Y/n) rushed forward and broke down the wall on the left side, Midoryia and Kirishima rushing in for the centre and the other side before landing on the floor. The dust quickly setting down and with the wall broken, the heroes all quickly rushed in with a huff before letting out different exclamations at the sudden change in the hallway.

"Damn it!" Kirishima muttered and (Y/n) took a double look at him because that was so out of character just then?

"Can't you erase it Eraserhead?" One of the pro heroes demanded and Eraserhead frowned, suddenly feeling so tired at seeing spinning walls.

"Not unless I see the user's body, no..."

(Y/n) paused for a moment, looked down at the floor as her memories of this manga suddenly came back to her and stabbed downwards just as Mirio rushed through with his quirk.

Should she go with him?


Yeah nah, Tamaki needs his character arc moment.

With that (Y/n) immediately leaped up slightly as the floor below them swallowed all the others up. Landing safely on the ground and completely ignoring the villains that showed up, she took out a few safely wrapped liquid vitals, courtesy of a nurse she met at the hospital, and placed it in Tamaki's hands.

He stared, looked at her and she stared back before both whirled around as the fight started.

It didn't take long for him to tell them to leave so they can back up Mirio.

(Y/n) whipped around and slammed her leg into one of the minions ribs, her other two classmates(?) Immediately charged in with the ropes and knocked out the other two behind her as the hero lady began the questioning.

The reincarnated human planted herself right by Dadzawa.

He raised an eyebrow but accepted it anyways as he listened to the information spilled and-

The wall creaked and the cement rose into a giant pillar, slamming into (Y/n)'s side as she took a step left to block of the route to Eraserhead.
Planting her feet firmly into the ground while the cement tore at her skin, she flicked her wrist and the katana slit through the cement although the cement changed forms again and crashed into Fat, grabbing onto Kirishima through the wall and (Y/n) stared wide-eyed.

Guess in some ways you can't really change the canon huh.

She stared at Aizawa's panicked expression, followed by Midoryia's surprised exclamations

(Y/n) immediately whirled around at the strange formation of the ground and flipped away, the heroes around her rushed around as the walls, curling and the floor around them continued changing.



"Here it comes again!"

(Y/n) drew out her katana and ducked down, her wrists flicking back and forth as she skedaddled away from the pillars and brought down the ones charging at her waist.

"He's trying to crush us to death!"

"We're gonna get grounded into hamburgers!!!"

(Y/n) pulled a face.

As much as she would love to have a hamburger right now, she'd rather not have some human flavoured ones.

She quickly rushed up the wall, avoiding the ones stopping her from heading up to the nearest wall and laughed.


The pro-heroes eyes immediately snapped up to (Y/n), who was grinning like the devil from hell.

"Over here~!"

She quickly left gravity take her down and Aizawa activated his quirk, the walls splattering down into crumbles and before the man could move anymore further, the policeman immediately tied him down.

(Y/n) tensed up, half expecting Togata before remembering she was locked up somewhere in the same place as All for One.


(Y/n) placed her hand on her hip and looked back.

"Well?" She asked and everyone gave their attention to her.

"We should have someone head to Kirishima and Fat Gum." Midoryia suggested suddenly before falling silent but that was exactly what Aizawa did.

(Y/n) hummed and turned around before looking back at Aizawa.

"I need to do something."

"Under no circumstances-"

"I know. But I need to double check something."

Night-eye stared at her and sighed.

"After 15 minutes, then go."

Then without any other arguments, they immediately headed off.

(Y/n) wondered what Night-eye would've seen.


Twice shifted right and left, panicking slightly in the distant hallways as the heroes left.

What do he do??? Togata isn't here, the Yakuza has been captured, Shigaraki placed so much trust in him and-

His head wound is pounding and he can feel a face growing on the side of his head underneath his mask.

For the first time in a very long time. Twice knelt and hugged himself, moaning in pain and groaning in misery, rocking himself back and forth as he can feel something in his body rippling.

Something's inside him and it's coming out.


So scary.

Toga.... Where's Toga.

He's scare he's scared he's scared he's scared-

The face on his side cried in agony and Twice cried.

Not beta read we die like my pile of homework.

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