Spy AU

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Universe 0029

This universe is similar to Prime or Archie universes, except the secret underground network of agents and officials is more big in power and get more things done than a simple fight between Sonic and Eggman.

There are a lot of organizations you could choose to join that have an ace spy to be your partner here.

1) G.U.N (Guardian Unit of Nations)

Region: United Federation (equivalent to USA)

Leader: Commander Abram Towers

Highest Agent: Agent Rouge

Description: An organization formed to protect the world from threats both foreign, domestic and extraterrestrial. While they are mostly a military force, agents like Rouge do the work of gathering intelligence, sabotage, theft of items and other things to foil enemies like Eggman.

2) R.E.D (Royal Espionage Directive)

Region: Spagonia (like UK and some European areas)

Leader: Director Winston Ramsey

Highest Agent: Agent 009 (Edward Bone)

(Basically this universe's version of my OC Class themed like James Bond.)

Description: A network of spies dedicated to protecting Spagonia and her royal majesty the queen. Usually they're quite good at being clean and secretive, but people of the special level like 009 do the more.....active missions.

3) Royal Secret Service

Region: Kingdom of Acorn

Leader: Geoffrey St John

Highest Agent(s): Geoffrey and Hershey St John

Description: A separate faction of the Kingdom of Acorn's Royal Army that serves two purposes. One is to protect the king and the royal family like United Federation's Secret Service does. The other is to take out threats to the royal family and gather intelligence. The original was led by Geoffrey's father before Mobotropolis fell to Robotnik.

4) G.E.M (Gobal Espionage Movement)

Region: None (HQ is on a desert island in international waters)

Leader(s): Rouge (Director) and Edward Bone (Co-Director)

Highest Agent: (open) [this could be you]

Description: This is an organization that was formed in another timeline where Edward and Rouge put aside their rivalry and left their agent roles together, forming an independent organization that spies on every country and faction in the world. G.E.M finds critical information that puts other lives at risk and reveals it so that plans can be foiled, though sometimes they have to get dirty and do things like sabotage, theft and assassination in order to prevent mass conflict.


Traveler Scenario

You arrive through a portal, only to find yourself in...."suprise!", another encounter with Dr Eggman in one of his lairs.

Just before Eggman can contain you, one of his bots spots someone hiding somewhere, only for a Mobian to toss some smoke pellets everywhere to blind Eggman and then shoot out some of the robots to clear a path for you.

You take the opening your rescuer gave you and run for the nearest exit, hearing Eggman call out, "Get that spy!"

After a few minutes of avoiding robots, you're nearly home free......but Shadow Android shows up to stop you.

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