Metal Gear AU

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Universe 0058

This universe is where the Metal Gear franchise is mixed in some with Sonic lore like Project Shadow and Eggman Empire.

Big Boss (Naked Snake) is a Mobian hedgehog in this universe, making his clone sons (Solid, Liquid and Solidus) hedgehogs as well.

Shadow was also unknowingly created combining Big Boss's DNA with Black Doom DNA to make a successful clone with powers, and also making him the boss's 4th clone son.

An unknown figure from the Patriots alters release of data of Project Shadow to defense leaders below to get them attack, causing Maria's death and Gerald's arrest and execution so they could enrage and brainwash Shadow into being their lead super soldier.

Many years later, Dr Ivo Robotnik, Gerald's grandson, is approached by the Patriots and offered a spot on their scientific development team to work on powerful weapons and AI to achieve the organization's goal.

Unfortunately for the Patriots, Ivo got too ambitious with the access provided to him, as well as learning about different Metal Gear designs, and managed to hack and claim ownership of almost half of the Patriot's resources to put into his own robot army that can be accompanied by his own custom Metal Gear designs...once he gets them done.

Because of this hiccup, the secret war in the background is now upgraded to Big Boss vs Zero vs Robotnik

But when Robotnik started forming operations on South Island.....he accidentally upgraded into a 4-way war between Big Boss vs Zero vs Robotnik......vs Sonic.....who just happened to show up to free the animals and destroy Robotnik's Metal Gear prototype

It got even worse when David (Solid Snake) was sent to Outer Haven and succeeded in his mission...followed by Zanzibar and Shadow Moses, resulting in him teaming up with Otacon to form an anti-Metal Gear faction trying to ensure these weapons never get built again.

What was once just a conspiracy war between two opposing factions has now escalated into all out conflict between sides that are using superpowers, AI and of course...mechs that can fire nukes.

And only the gods know what will happen when Shadow Snake is released into the world from stasis.

(Just insert a catch phrase from Metal Gear here. I'm out of ideas on transition)


Traveler Scenario

You got pulled into this dimension by an anomaly caused by experimentation on a Chaos Emerald that the Patriots were trying to use.

They had to provide medical care to your body after the energy nearly put permanent damage on you

Once you've recovered, a mysterious man approaches you and requests if you could go on a mission for them while the portal is getting set up to send you back home: Find Solid Snake...and eliminate him

Do you accept the mission?


Home Scenarios

Clone Scenario (Hedgehog OCs only): You're the 5th clone of Big Boss to be made, though you're unaware of it as you were left with an adopted family to live a normal life since the Patriots deemed you as another weak result like Solid.

Though you only became a concern to the forces in the background when you joined forces with the Resistance

During your time there, Tails runs some tests on your DNA to confirm your lineage...soon giving you a call to come over so you learn the truth.

Space Colony Ark Incident Scenario: You play as either yourself, Solid Snake or Raiden infiltrating Robotnik's operations to find out what he's up to since Sonic has recently been framed and arrested for crimes he didn't commit.

Forces Scenario: Set Post-Rising Revengenace, Robotnik resurfaced after supposedly being dead from the "Guns of the Patriots" events and launched another attempt at world domination without all of the AI technology that is destroyed now because of it, additionally hiring several PMC to bolster his robot forces.

Though this also results Maverick Security Consulting Inc being hired by the Resistance through a debt they promised to pay for after the war.....which also drags Raiden into the conflict to assure that the weak and inexperienced fighters have a good fighting chance.





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