chapter 6

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  • Dedicated to Chiara Weschler

here's part 6

the picture of the girl is kelly


"Hey guys it's our first stop." Flyzik yelled.

"I guess we'll finish this later." Alex said getting out of my bunk with me close behind. when I got out of my bunk I almost head butted Zack in the chest.

"Oh. Sorry Zack."

 "It's okay." He said looking at me werid.

"Kelly come here." Jack said dreagging me outside. "Why was Alex in your bunk with you?"

"We were talking."

"About what?"

"I dont know if I can tell you." Alex walked up to us.

"Kel it's fine. I'll talk to Jack and we'll meet up with you inside." He said.

"Okay." Then I pulled him away from Jack. "Please dont tell him about what happened a couple of days ago."

"I wont." He said smiling.

"Thank you." I said and the went to catch up with Rian.

"Hey Kelly." He said when I caught up with him at starbucks. "Where's Jack and Alex?"

"Jack's interigating Alex." I said and then ordered my tea.


"He wanted to know what we were doing in my bunk."

"What were you doing?" He said as we took a seat at a table.

"We were just talking. honestly."

"Kel I believe you. Apperently Jack believes Alex too." I looked up and saw the two of them walking over.

"Hey Kel do you want to go candy shopping?" Alex said

"Hell yeah."

When we were walking to the candy store, I felt myself wanting to grab Alex's hand. I quickly decided against it realizing that Jack would easily see us and I also figured that Alex would regret it.

When we got to the candy store, I went straight to the gummy bears, gummy worms, and swedish fish.

"Um, by the way," I jumped when i heard Alex come up behind me. " Oh sorry."

"It's fine. What were you saying?"

"I was going to tell you that I didnt tell Jack about me cutting. I didnt say anything about you either."

"thank you Alex." I said walking over to the casheir.

"Oh my God!!!! It's Alex Gaskarth!!" Girls began to swarm around Alex.

"I'll see you on the bus." I shouted. I knew he didnt hear me.

When I got back to the bus, I went to my bunk. I rolled up my sleeve and traced my scar with my finger.

I couldnt help but think about Alex's cuts. He actually did understand what I was going through.

"Kelly?" I heard Alex call me.

"In my bunk." I called back.

"Hey." he said climbing into my bunk."Sorry about that."

"It's fine." I said.

"So..." He said smiling "Can we finish what we started before Flyzick interubted?"

"If you want to." I blushed.

"I do." He whispered as he leaned closer and closer until his lips touched mine. The kiss was better than I thought it would be. He cupped my face in his hands and deepened the kiss. I could hear my heartbeat quicken. His hands moved from my face to my waist and began to move me closer.

Suddenly I heard the door to the back lounge slam shut.

"Shit!" I said quickly moving away from alex.

"Who do you think it was?" He asked.

"I dont know but i hope it wasnt Jack."

"It wasnt . he wouldnt react like that."

"How do you know?"

"We talked about this." He said kissing me again.

"I guess he's okay with it." he smiled and kissed me again.

"Kelly where are you?" Jack shouted. Alex and I jumped out from my bunk. Alex headed to the lounge and I waited for Jack.

"So what's up?" I said as Rian passed by.

"Just because I said I told Alex that I was okay with you and him doesnt mean that you two should go at it like rabits."

"What does that mean?"

"The second I told Alex that it was okay I wasnt planning on having you two fucking with in 24 hours."

"What?!?" I shouted "We didnt do anything like that Jack."

"Really how can I trust you?" I was pissed

"Who told you?" I asked.

"I got a text from Zack."

"He wasnt even on the bus."

"He said he was in the lounge."

"Jack we just kissed!" I shouted.

"Whatever you say Kel." He said walking passed me.

"Dont walk away from me Jack." I said "You always walk away."

"Excuse me?" He was pissed. "I never walk away from you. I am always there for you."

"No you're not!" I shouted. the guys came out of the lounge. Alex was next to me.

"What do you me?" He shouted back. "I was there for you when you needed me the most."

"Really? where were you when I did this?" I rolled up my sleeves. The guys jaws dropped. Alex just stared at me. I could see the worry in his eyes.

"What the fuck were you thinking?" Jack shouted at me.

"Jack calm down." Alex said stepping forward "If you yell you will make it worse."

"How the fuck do you know?" Zack shouted "For all you know this could kill her."

"It wont!" I shouted

"What you're doing is wrong." Zack said to me as if i was five.

"Dont fucking talk to me like i'm five, Zack." I said then I turned to Jack "I knew you wouldnt understand. I knew you would scream. I knew you would."

"How else would I handle this kel?"

"You could tell me that everything would be okay. You always say it and I always believe you." tears began to fall "I always believed you, until now." I began to walk to my bunk.

"Kelly come back. Kel." I heard Jack say but i didnt turn around.

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