chapter 35

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"Alex this girl is Sam" I said. I started to actually cry.

"Holy shit" he whispered "Kel are you sure?" I nodded

"I remember she was freaking out cause she finally got Tom to put his arm around her" I smiled brushing the tears away from my eyes "She wouldn't shut up about it. God I miss her so much" Alex walked over to me.

"I didn't mean to make you cry" he said taking my hand.

"Hey it's fine" I said smiling "I'm glad to have seen this"

"Good" he said kissing my hand "Keep the picture. I have to go but I'll see you later"

"Okay" I said kissing him. He walked out of my room and I finished straightening my hair.

I still had so much to unpack so I turned in my music and started to take my clothes out of my bags. I put the picture that Alex just gave me on my dresser so I wouldn't lose it. Every once in a while I would look at it and smile. I really missed Sam. I missed her more than anything.

I continued to unpack when sanctuary by paradise fears started playing. This song meant so much for me. Jack told me that they were going to be touring with paradise fears which made me even happier when they asked if I wanted to go with them. I began to sung alone with the song.

"so go ahead and lie to yourself,

and pretend that you're a ray of light,

when you're a broken candle,

you're keeping time with yourself,

when did it all start moving way too fast,

for you to handle,

you're short on breath but heavy on time,

you lost the words but you found the rhyme,

it's all just poetry now,

the walls are singing,

hallelujah amen,

the walls are singing,

hallelujah amen,

it's so dark in the room,

and the ceilings are high,

you know the feeling,

you've been here before,

and it's a broken old pew,

and it's an echoing cry,

don't sell yourself short,

on breath and heavy on time,

you lost the words but you found the rhyme,

it's all just poetry now,

the walls are singing,

hallelujah amen,

the walls are singing,

hallelujah amen,


in time you'll find,

this life's a painting and you're the artist,

so open your eyes,

it's never too late to clear your canvas,

so paint me jealous,

paint me rage,

for God's sake paint me anything,

just paint,

your brush awaits,

hallelujah amen,

the walls sing you to sleep,

Sing Me to Sleep [all time low fan fiction]Where stories live. Discover now