Chapter 23

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I was sitting outside on the bench swing with my knees pulled up to my chest. Acouple of tears fell down my face.

"Hey" Alex said sitting next to me

"Hey" I wiped my face with my sleeve. He looked at me with hurt in his eyes. He opened his mouth to say something but I stopped him "don't even start"

"You need to stop Kel" he said

"Don't fucking go there" I said aggravated "Look at your arm. Don't fucking tell me I need to stop"

"Just stop yelling at me for once!" he shouted "I'm sorry I hurt you but seeing this just fucking pisses me off right now"

"Excuse me"

"Did you do this just to get back at me?" he asked seriously.

"you're fucking joking right?" I stood up "I didn't this to get in your face. I didn't do this to get back at you for cheating on me. I did this because I needed to feel something other than lost. I needed to get rid of the pain and this was the only thing I could do" I put my hands over my face. "I dont need this from you right now" I said. I turned around to face away from the house.

"Kelly I wish I could take it all back I really do" he said

"That's what John said at that concert" I said turning back to him "Remember? Remember, you threatened him to defend me. That was one of the reasons why I fell in love with you" I cried harder at the memory "I'm done with getting my heart broken by some asshole who doesn't give a shit about me" I started to walk back inside but Alex grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him

"I give a shit okay?" he whispered. Our faces were so close to each other "I care about you so much. How can I make you believe me?"

"Leave me alone that's how" I said. I got out of his grip and walked back inside.

The guys were all sitting at the dinning room table talking when I walked in.

"Where's Alex?" zack asked. He looked like he was saying it as a joke.

"If you don't wipe that smile off your face, I will slap your face so hard it'll make your balls hurt!" I shouted. They all froze.

"Kelly what happened?" rian asked worried.

"Nothing that concerns you" I said walking away

"Please talk to us" jack pleaded "I want to help you through this. We all do"

"Jack right now I just want to go back into my room, cry, and possibly drink the vodka that is hidden under my bed" I said. I was starting to get annoyed.

"What?!?" jack shouted. I swore to him that I had stopped drinking about two months ago.

"Like you didn't think that I would try to sneak it" I said walking away. I knew jack was following me.

"Kelly talk to me please" he pleaded.

"Jack don't bother her right now" I heard Alex behind me. I turned and he was standing in the door way. He looked like he had been crying.

"What did you say to her to piss her off so much?" Zack asked.

"He didn't say anything" I shouted "Can everyone just drop the subject?"

"Kelly can I talk to you in the living room?" Zack asked

"Whatever" I mumbled and followed him.

"What's going on?" he asked me.

"Well for starters, I feel like fucking shooting someone right now" I said pretending to be happy

"I'm being serious!" he said

"What do you want me to say?" i shot back

"I just want to know why you thought that you needed to do this to yourself" he whispered as he grabbed my arm gently

"What makes you think I'm going to tell you if I won't even talk to Jack?" I said ripping my arm out of his grip

"Look I'm just trying to fucking help you!"

"No Zack what you're trying to do is get in my pants, now leave me the fuck alone!" I had no idea where that came from but I almost didn't regret saying it. He looked shocked at my out burst.

"I want you to understand that what I'm trying to do is stop you from making some dumb fuck move!" he was mad "I'm sorry for fucking caring about you. I just thought that after all of the shit that you've been through you would need a shoulder to cry on!"

"No what I need right now is a fucking bottle of tylonal and vodka!" I shouted and automatically wished that I could take it back. Zack had tears falling down his cheek but his face stayed angry

"That's what I'm trying to stop you from doing Kelly. I can't lose you" I froze. "I mean we can't lose you" he said quietly. I walked up to him.

"Why did you show me the picture of Alex and Juliet?" I asked.

"Because I couldn't stand seeing you so happy around him when I knew he cheated on you" he answered. I step closer to him so there was no space between us

"Is that an honest answer?" he nodded.

"It took me two months to tell you about it because I didn't want to be the one you hated for it"

"Zack I could never hate you" I whispered. He leaned his face down slowly and I didn't know why happened but I put my hand on the back of his neck and pulled his face closer until our lips met.


So there zack and Kelly kissed tell me what you think of that.

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