Sing me to sleep

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"Amanda can you help me with the dishes?" Kelly asked. Amanda nodded and kissed me before following Kelly into the kitchen. When she was out of the room jack turned to me.

"Dude why the fuck didn't you tell me sooner?" he asked annoyed

"I don't really know. Rian figured it out and I only told you and Alex today" I said looking down.

"Did you tell her that you love her yet?" he asked.

"Is it really that obvious?" I asked kind of scared.

"Not to her but to us it is" Alex said "We've seen you in love before and this is like 20 times more obvious than it was with Kel"

"Do you think she knows?" I asked nervous

"What's the big deal if she knows?" rian asked.

"He wants to tell her him self and not with her figuring it out" Alex smiled. He knew the exact reason. "I suggest you get your ass in that kitchen and pull her aside and fucking tell her already. She needs to hear it"

"Are you sure it's not too soon?" I was nervous as fuck.

"Dude you've known her longer than any of us. She's liked you since 5th grade" rian said

"You've been dating her for almost two weeks" jack added

"I told Kelly the third day that we were officially going out" Alex said smiling at the memory

"How'd that turn out?" Rian asked

"Great until you guys thought that I was cheating on her in the van" he mumbled looking down at his hands. Jack was silent.

"I'm going to go talk to Amanda" I said getting up. They all wished me luck as I walked into the kitchen "Hey Kel can I steal Amanda for a second?"

"Of course" she said smiling. Amanda walled over to me and I grabbed her hand. We walked outside and sat down on the deck.

"What's up?" she asked.

"I just need to talk to you for a minute" she looked nervous

"Is everything okay?" she asked.

"Yeah everything's fine. I just wanted to say-" I paused. I looked into her eyes. She was so beautiful "I wanted to say that I love you" her eyes widened. She smiled big and her cheeks turned pink.

"I love you too zack" she whispered. I leaned over and kissed her cheek before standing up. She stood up and hugged me tightly. "I love you so much" he whispered into my chest. When she looked up at me I kissed her lips gently. I could feel her smiling into the kiss.

We walked back into the house and I noticed that everyone was in the kitchen. I knew that they were easdropping on our conversation. They all had huge smiles on their faces.

"Hey guys wanna slip in a quick practice before we leave?" rian asked.

"Yeah why not?" Alex said.

"Well while you guys warm up we'll finish the dishes and then come watch" Kelly said. The guys nodded and left. I turned and looked at Amanda.

"I love you" she whispered before kissing me

"I love you more" she smiled and kissed me again. Before I followed the guys down into the basement Kelly pulled me into the living room.

"You're the best thing that has ever happened to that girl" she said "So if you hurt her I'll kill you. Today was the most I've ever seen her eat and the happiest I've ever seen her. If you hurt her I'll make you regret it"

"Kel I don't plan on hurting her" I said "When I said that I love her I meant it"

"Good" she said then her seriousness went away "Give me a hug" I did as she said then went down to the basement.

"What took you so long?" rian asked.

"Kelly was making sure that I wasn't going to hurt Amanda" Alex laughed.

"We all know that that's not going to happen" jack said laughing.

"No it's not" I smiled and started to warm up.


This is the second to last chapter. Sorry but I felt like it needed to end after this. I think you guys might like the ending though. Tell me what you think about all of this an the story in general.

Thank you all for our support c:

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