Chapter 43 (the end)

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"Hey Kel where are you?" I heard Alex call from the back lounge. We were on the rise and fall of my pants tour. We were currently in Huntington NY waiting for everyone to show up at the venue.

"I'm in the bathroom" I called back. I twisted my new wedding ring around my finger. It still gave me butterflies in my stomach when I realize that I'm now married to Alex.

"Everything okay babe?" he asked standing in the door way. I nodded

"Do you remember that day when you said that we could try and get me pregnant again?" I asked a little nervous for his reaction.

"Yeah why?" he asked confused. I waited for him to get it. It took him a couple if minutes but he got it. His eyes widened and he looked at my stomach "No fucking way!" he said excited. He pulled me into a hug and kissed me. "Are you sure though? Those tests are always 100% correct"

"I went to the doctor today. That's where Amanda and I were about an hour ago" I said. His smile grew bigger.

"I'm gonna be a dad" he whispered. He looked so happy it almost made me cry. I haven't seen him this happy in two months on our wedding day. "Come on let's go tell everyone" he said taking my hand. We walked to the back lounge where the rest of the band, Amanda and Flyzik were sitting and talking. The rest of the crew were running around outside with the other bands. I could tell that Amanda knew what we were about to do. I loved having her around so much. Her and zack were perfect together. He always made her feel amazing. Since they started dating she has gained enough weight so know the doctors aren't worried anymore. She's healthy and beautiful and we all have zack to thank for that.

"hey guys" I said they all looked at me. "We have to tell you something" I looked at Alex.

"I'm gonna be a dad!" he almost screamed. The guys faces were shocked but happy.

"Holy shit really?!?" rian asked. I nodded. "Congrats guys" he said an hugged us. Zack stood up and hugged us too. Jack just sat there. I was hoping that he was okay with this. But then he smiled and a tear fell down his face.

"Jack dude are you okay?" flyzik asked.

"Yeah" he said wiping his eyes "You guys are good with this we arent going to have another episode like the last time right?"

"We're good I'm not going through that again" I said remembering the pain "I want this baby jack" he smiled and stood up. He hugged me tightly.

"Good" he said into my hair. "Now go tell everyone outside"

"Okay" I said before Alex dragged me outside.

We got the same reaction from everyone outside. All of the guys from the ready set, paradise fears and the crew started giving Alex high fives while Rachel from he is we and everyone's girlfriends hugged me and said congratulations. I couldn't believe that I was actually having a baby. This could only be the beginning of a great start in my life.


Well that's the end. Hope you all enjoyed my story. More will come soon don't worry.

By the way I was at the Huntington NY show an it was fucking amazing. Greatest night of my life by far :)

So please comment and tell me what you thought about the story.

Thank you all for reading it and giving me the support to write this I love you all c:

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