chapter 36

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"Kelly come on can we stop dancing for 5 minutes?" I asked her. We had been dancing for an hour straight and my feet hurt. She just smiled "Come on I wanna talk to you about something"

"Fine" she gave up. I took her hand and pulled her from the crowd of people. The party was outside so no one was inside. We walked into the kitchen. I really wanted a drink but I wanted to keep a clear head for what I was about to do.

"What's up?" she asked popping the p. I laughed.

"You are too cute" I said. She smiled.

"Come on tell me" she whined

"I'm sorry I brought up the whole let's have another kid thing" I said looking down

"Babe it's fine" she said

"Do you love me?" I asked her

"You know I do" she whispered. She put her hands on my face "Alex what's going on you're scaring me"

"I just wanted to hear you say it" I whispered

"Alex I love you more than my life" she said. I smiled and kissed her. Maybe tonight wasn't the right time to this.


Alex was scaring me. He knew that I loved him.

"What's bringing this up?" I asked him.

"I just don't want you to be mad or upset with me about that" he said.

"I'm not mad or upset with you I promise" I whispered. "I know there's more that you're not telling me" I knew him too well. He bottles things up and they destroy him.

"There's nothing else" he said smiling.

"Alex I know you. You're holding back on me"

"I'm not holding back I swear. Now calm down okay?" he said. He kissed me gently. He pulled me closer to him and I felt something in his pocket.

"Whats this?" I asked trying to take it out of his pocket. He stopped me quickly "You are holding back" I said annoyed.

"Fuck I guess I am doing this now" he mumbled.

"Alex what are you talking about?" I asked annoyed.

"Come with me" he said and pulled me out to the back porch. We walked over to jack. Alex whispered something in his ear. Jack nodded to what ever he just said. He had a huge smile on his face. Alex then pulled me to the back part of the yard by the pool.

There were white lights around the trees lift over from Christmas. Alex turned around to face me. He looked really nervous. He took both of my hands in his.

"Kelly I love you more than anything in this world. We've been through so much together and I still can't believe that through all of it we still love each other." he let go of one of my hands and put his hand in his pocket "I swear that no matter what happens that I will be there to help you and to protect you from anything even yourself" then he knelt down

"Oh god" I whispered.

"I love you with all of my heart and nothing is going to change that" then he pulled out a little black box. I started crying "Will you marry me?"

So what do you guys think okay what just happened??????

Let me know please comment and vote

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