2:55 AM

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Once the lift stopped, the pair started walking to the other end of the hall where maintenance was. They were almost home free when they suddenly heard footsteps come from the side hall they passed a few seconds ago. Freddy sprang into action and hid Gregory behind some barrels before Vanessa rounded the corner.

"Freddy! What are you doing here?! I thought you said you could get to your room by yourself!" she scolded upon seeing him.

"I am sorry, but I was helping Roxanne carry some boxes of junk to the kitchen," Freddy lied, hoping the rabbit wouldn't catch on. She made an annoyed face and rolled her eyes.

"Stop leaving your room for something someone else can help with," she growled as she dragged Freddy into aid and maintenance by his ear.

3:01 AM

Once the coast was clear, Gregory emerged from his hiding spot and looked around.

"Freddy, can you hear me?" he whispered, hoping the bear would hear him before he looked into the next room where he saw Freddy talking with the rabbit officer.

"Freddy's in there. I have to get him out," he muttered under his breath as he searched for another way in. Eventually, he got to the side hall Vanessa had come through and decided to try and see if he could find a way to aid and maintenance through there. He'd gone about a foot down the hall before another damn Map Bot appeared out of nowhere and made a loud blaring noise.

"Hi. please take this map," it insisted, shoving a map into his face.

"Take a map," it continued to bombard as Gregory groaned and took the map from the persistent robot.

"Thank you, please enjoy. Free map," it waved as Gregory walked off with a sour expression on his face.

"Ugh, I hate that thing!" he growled as he walked through the roll-up door and to another utility hallway. He breathed and looked at his arm, which was starting to hurt again. He made a face once he saw that it was swollen and a bit bruised, he would have to go back to ignoring it once he got out of there, i mean there wasn't much else he could do. He decided to clench his teeth and power through the pain as he crawled into another vent only to hear a small pitter-patter from behind him, which he recognized instantly.

"Not again..." he groaned as he crawled as fast as he could to the other end of the vent, not helping his throbbing arm. He tried to focus on breathing as he walked down a long corridor to hopefully find something to get him into aid and maintenance, eventually finding a mildly unsettling room with a desk in the middle; while the rest of the room was covered in plastic padding usually used in kids play areas to keep them from getting hurt, the ceiling looked like it was barely holding up and most of the lights had blown out.

"Is this a security office?" Gregory asked himself as he walked up to the desk and saw one of the badge holders.

"If it is, I sure hope it's under repairs," he continued upon seeing the Freddy head as he took the badge.

"Got it! I can open aid and maintenance now," he smiled as he ran back to the door barring him from his companion, having to suffer through the spider vent again.

3:15 AM

580 words

the yōkai plex (being rewritten) ⚠️READ DESC⚠️Where stories live. Discover now