3:15 AM

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Once he got in, he heard Officer Vanessa saying something, but couldn’t make out what it was. As he got closer to the window, the conversation got clearer.

“... I found him earlier and locked him up on lost and found,” she told Freddy, sounding annoyed.

“That is great news, he can be returned to his parents,” Freddy smiled, continuing to play dumb.

“He can’t. Turns out, human control has no record of him.”

“How unfortunate. If you let me out I will go look for him now.”

“His name is Gregory… you know how I know that? His Fazwatch kept repeating it; in your voice… ‘Gregory? Are you there? Gregory?’”

“Vanessa, all the Fazwatches sound like me. It is the default voice option.”

“If you’re part of this, you're out. Monty will run the shows if you’re not better by tomorrow. Hang out here for a while, I gotta find that human,” Vanessa growled as she started heading for the exit, where Gregory was. He was lucky enough to be close to the door, where Vanessa couldn’t see him through the window if he tried to run and hide, which is what he did and the rabbit was none the wiser. After she left and his arm stopped hurting, Gregory snuck into the large room where Freddy was sitting on a chair with a glass of water on a table next to him as he worriedly picked at his claws before hearing the door open and looking up to see the 10-year-old walking towards him.

“Gregory! I am so glad you are here and alright,” the bear smiled and relaxed upon seeing him.

“Freddy!” the boy whispered back in relief as he slowed to a stop.

“Sorry, it took so long. I ran into some trouble getting the Security Badge.”

“It is alright, as long as you are not hurt.”

“Speaking of, how are you?”

“I am feeling much better, superstar. Thank you for asking.”

3:30 AM

330 words

the yōkai plex (being rewritten) ⚠️READ DESC⚠️Where stories live. Discover now