month 3 - confession

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“Now that the humans are here, I can get the ball rolling,” the mysterious voice chuckled as they wheeled themselves to the elevator entrance and ever so slightly hid on the side.

    This morning was like any other for Freddy, he had just finished making breakfast and was about to wake up Gregory when he suddenly felt like he was being stretched across time and space. It was incredibly painful, so painful that Freddy had trouble not screaming in pain. Once it was over, the bear took a second to catch his breath and recover from what just happened, although he didn’t have much time to because he heard gregory getting out of bed soon after, he decided to shake it off and hoped it wouldn’t happen again a he set out two plates of food for himself and gregory. After Gregory checked his weight, the two ate and talked before finally heading out the door. Once they got there, things seemed to go smoothly. As they walked to the atrium they ran into Monty in front of the golf course.

“Hey you two, how’s it goin’?” the alligator smiled as walked up the the pair.

“It is going well, how are you,” the bear lied as he smiled innocently.

“I’m doin’ jus’ fine, say, wanna stop by the golf course and play a few rounds?”

“Not now, but perhaps later when the restaurant is less busy, sound good?”

“Yea, see you then!” Monty smiled as Freddy and Gregory walked away while Bonnie snuck up behind him.

“How’s ‘at burnin’ crush of yours?” he chirped with a smile.

    “Oh my- shut up before i rip one o’ ya teeth outta that smartass mouth’a yers!'' Monty growled as he pulled on one of the rabbit’s ears.

    “Ow ow- hey! I was jus’ askin’!” Bonnie smiled as he gently clawed Monty off his ear.

    “What am i s’pposed ta’ say to ‘im? ‘Hey cutie, i know ya prolly real busy bein’ a new parent an’ with work an’ all that, but would ya wanna go on a date or somethin’?’ he’d reject me on the spot,” monty sighed and put a hand over his snout. (this line feels like it came straight out a dhar mann video T-T)

    “Aw come on, try bein’ positive! Maybe yer his type!”

    “Oh please, even if he was into guys, I'm far from his type.”

    “Ya sure? I think ya closer than ya give yaself credit for.”

    Monty laughed as he walked away. “that’s rich! No way i’m anywhere close to his league!”

    “‘at’s what you think,” Bonnie smiled as he walked to his greenroom to get ready for the day.

    Freddy took a sip from his water bottle after he was done washing his face, he took notice of the dye washing off him and made a mental note to reapply it when he got home. But all he was focused on right now was getting to the golf course with Gregory to play some mini golf with him and Monty before the restaurant closed for the night. Once they got there, Freddy instantly started looking for his friend, who he spotted waving to the boys from a few feet away. He walked over eagerly.

    “Hey, glad ya didn’ flake on me, fazbear,” monty smiled and lightly punched his friend’s shoulder.

    “I would not miss this for the world, we do not spend enough time together,” freddy chucked back. Gregory rolled his eyes at their flirting, wondering why he even agreed to come, he didn’t even know how to golf.

    “Hey, little guy. What’s wit’ the face? Don’ know how ta golf or somethin’?” monty grinned and knelt down to the human’s level.

    “No, not really,” Gregory shook his head. Monty frowned.

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