chapter 1 - bunny mask

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Monty suddenly came to his senses and realized what he’d done and who he tried to attack; it was a human girl that looked no older than gregory. He grabbed her hand and swam her to the golf course opening, it didn’t look like she could see much, she was conscious, but her eyes were closed to keep the water out. He guided her body to the opening and let the water do the rest. He at least made sure she was safe and gave her the flashlight she was holding before swimming off.

Cassie coughed as she caught her breath and looked around. She couldn’t really make out what this place was supposed to be, but she saw a large fake alligator head spouting water and assumed that’s where she came out from. she noticed her flashlight on the floor beside her and scooped it up.
“Ow my head, where did that freaky alligator thing go?” she asked herself, shaking whatever water she could off her clothes and hair.
“I better find a way out before it comes back,” she continued as she stood up and took off her sweater to wring it out. After checking that the faz-wrench and flashlight were working, she pushed forward and went through a small tunnel-like crevice that led to somewhere Cassie didn’t get a good look at before being scared by another robot.
“Hi, free mask! Take a mask,” it insisted, waving an unnerving rabbit mask at her. She took it from the robot, who let go as soon as she grabbed it.
“Thank you, please enjoy,” it waved at her before powering down.
“Huh, freaky bunny mask, look at all the wires and stuff; and it’s not for yokai, weird,” she muttered, turning and inspecting the mask. The outside was mostly white with a brown patch in the top right hand side. The entire outside looked plush, made of felt; the fact it looked mostly hand stitched was testimony to that. The eyes were red with three big foam eyelashes peeking out of the mask. The ears were stuck in a semi flopped position, the first part of them were up straight while the other part bent down. The mouth was stuck with an uncanny grin and a black button nose, meanwhile the inside wasn’t much more welcoming, with various lights and even a vented mouth. She assumed that was so whoever was wearing it could both breathe and talk, because while there was a little indent for the nose, there were no openings to breathe through. There were red plastic or glass pieces where the eyes were, with bits of plastic just above them assumedly so the eyebrows of the wearer didn’t get caught on the inside bits. There were also small lines of foam on the forehead, left, and right edge of the mask for comfort.
“Thank you,” she smiled at the robot before putting it on. When she did, she was met with a techno looking purple world.
“Cool,” she breathed as she looked around. Suddenly a little white bear appeared in front of her.
“Welcome to V.A.N.N.I., the virtual augmented neural network integration unit!” It greeted. Cassie raised an eyebrow.
“New user detected, please remove mask and insert audio transponder located on the left mask ear.”
Cassie did as told and took off the mask and checked the left ear and saw a unique looking earpiece wrapped around the base of the ear, she wondered how she didn’t notice it before. It looked like it was supposed to go around the base of her entire ear. She took it off the mask and wrapped it around her own. She reapplied the mask when she was done.
“Excellent, now we may begin!” the bear smiled. “Do not be surprised by your surroundings. You are still in the real world, but fazbear entertainment has made it better! With this security mask, you can locate and repair all those pesky security nodes that are locking down the mesh network here in the mega pizzaplex. Call me helpi. You can count on me because it’s my job to help you succeed in your new job!” he continued.
“One more thing, do you understand morse code? Please speak into the microphone located in the mouth vent,” he asked. It’s been a while since Cassie got to study morse code, but she understood it pretty well; her dad taught her.
“Yes,” she nodded even though she probably didn’t have to.
“Good, this will be much easier!” helpi smiled. Cassie removed the V.A.N.N.I. mask.
“Hello real world!” helpi cheered in morse code through cassie’s earpiece.
“Ah what are you still doing here? Is this why you asked if I knew morse code?” she asked, looking to her left since that’s where she heard him.
“Lucky for you, the transponder allows me to communicate wirelessly even when your mask is removed, although you can only see me with the mask on. Just another faz-mazing benefit of being a class V technician. Of course, you’ll have to put your mask on to get any real work done,” helpi told her, prompting her to put the mask back on, which she did and began looking around and noticing a previously blocked doorway was now wide open. She went through and solved the conduit panel, which opened a door that led to a pink bathroom. She went past it and saw another doorway that was blocked. She looked around until she decided to put on her mask and check the area again, but this time she saw the blocked doorway open.
“I swear that doorway was blocked,” she muttered to herself as she walked into the other bathroom and out to a small room with debris and a cardboard cutout of an alligator yokai. She walked past it and saw a ramp beside a vending machine that’d been torn open and emptied; or maybe it was empty when it was torn open. She walked over the ramp and noticed something odd off to the side, it looked bulky but portable at the same time, it had the same color scheme as the faz-wrench. The screen and keyboard looked like they could fold into the box, with a hinged cover on each side of them. The keyboard didn’t look like anything special, except the blue joystick on the top right of the board, presumably for maneuvering the camera around.
“What’s that supposed to be?” She asked helpi.
“That’s a fazbear technician remote camera station. Lucky for you, it’s already deployed and has an active power supply,” helpi explained happily. Cassie hummed and walked over to it. She noticed a slot for her wrench, she assumed she had to plug her wrench in for it to work. She nodded and continued on to a treehouse area, and like everything else, it was full of junk and debris. She went down a ramp and into a long hallway where she saw the alligator-like yokai again, luckily it didn’t see her; it just clawed its way past. She decided to follow it and saw a closed door.
“Don’t stop looking for me. I need your help," Gregory exclaimed through the roxy talkie on Cassie's hip. She pulled it out.
“Gregory. Gregory, I can hear you," Cassie tried to calm her friend down.
“If you can hear me, turn off all the security. Turn it all off,” he instructed.
“Security, what are you talking about? None of this makes sense!” she panicked.
“Security nodes, find them and turn them all off! I can’t get out until that happens!” he repeated.
“Gregory?! Security nodes, what the hell are those?” she asked, to no response. She hummed in frustration and put her walkie away. She walked over to the door and noticed blue sparks shooting off it.
“That door’s electrified. something’s gotta be powering it,” cassie thought aloud as she glanced around for a pointer.
“That door is in ‘emergency lockdown’ mode, check the AR world for active security nodes,” Helpi started. “Deactivate those nasty nodes and the door should open right up!” he finished. Cassie nodded and took her mask off her shoulder and placed it over her face before looking around to see where she had to go next. Eventually, she saw a yellow wire leading to a purple grid pattern up a flight of stairs. She walked over and saw the wire led to the top of the stairs. She followed the cord to a geometric floating red bunny head. She walked up to it only for something to say ‘deactivate child nodes first’ in her ear.
“What the hell is a child node?” she asked herself as she looked around, eventually seeing a dark red cord on the floor leading to a barrel that was half dark red with a grid pattern, and half normal barrel. She shifted her mask to let her see normally, and all she saw was a regular old barrel. She hummed to herself as she slid her mask back on and pointed her faz-wrench prongs at it. It was only then did she notice two things, that the small screen read ‘deactivated 0 of 1’, and that there was a slip of paper on top of the barrel. She picked it up and unfolded it. It was written in cursive and read as follows;
‘Faz-french: the basics!
Part 1; conduit panels -
Conduit panels are the easiest to explain. All you have to do is insert your wrench prongs into the slots on the right and point the dial at the conduits to charge them, they’ll go slower on the blue parts.
Part 2; Security nodes -
Security nodes come in two forms. Parent nodes and child nodes. Parent nodes look like rabbit heads, and child nodes are disguised as something in its environment. The only way to tell them apart from regular objects is by using the V.A.N.N.I. network to see the red grid pattern on the nodes. Use your faz-wrench to deactivate them. Simply aim the prongs at the node and hold the green button for 3 seconds until the red grid pattern turns blue. To deactivate parent nodes, aim the faz-wrench prongs at the node and tap the green button. A puzzle should appear. To cancel deactivation, simply press the red button.
Part 3; merging yokai -
This is to only be used in emergency situations. But to merge 2 yokai consciousness, typically child of the light and night yokai, aim the prongs of your faz-wrench at the yokai and turn the dail towards you to take a consciousness, then aim the prongs at the other yokai and turn the dial towards them to transfer consciousness. For child yokai, do the same thing but don’t aim the prongs at another yokai; just turn the dial up and down.
Part 4; special node -
Insert your prongs into the slot on your right and hold both buttons. The deactivation should dissipate the consciousness of the soul.
Part 5; camera stations -
Insert your prongs into the provided slot and look for anomalies to quarantine on the cameras.’
Cassie nodded to herself and stuffed the paper in her pocket. She’d have to come up with a name for this mysterious helper; she liked giving silly names to things and people if she didn’t know the name for it, it was something she picked up from her dad. She looked over to the rabbit head and noticed it was now a light blue. She walked over to it and pointed the prongs at it and pressed the green button. Suddenly a puzzle that looked similar to flow appeared in front of her. She quickly solved the puzzle, which caused a forklift to suddenly pull a box up. It looked like it couldn’t hold the box for long, so she quickly ducked under it and went through another tunnel-like crevice that led to an open space with another camera station in the middle of it.
“Alert. I’m picking up an anomalous entity in the V.A.N.N.I. network. Please ask the entity to leave the area immediately,” Helpi suddenly appeared beside her.
“If that doesn’t work, it’s best to exit AR and contact our 24 hour support line,” he finished. Casie just raised an eyebrow as she took her mask off to look around. Once she saw nothing interesting, she put her mask back on and started looking for the child nodes. Eventually, she noticed an alligator head cutout had the red grid pattern. She pulled out her wrench and deactivated the node, but soon after she did that, something made a loud noise as a rabbit-like creature covered her vision. The noise caused her to shriek.
“Cassie, stay away from that thing. It’s sending out some sort of distress signal and Monty is responding.”
“Who is monty?!” she asked frantically, looking around and eventually spotting a glitchy dark blue rabbit with lightning arms slowly making its way towards her. If she didn’t have adrenaline coursing through her veins, she wouldn’t be very threatened by him; in fact he looked a little cute with the fur and the babyface. But she couldn’t focus on that right now, right now all she cared about was deactivating the other nodes and getting the hell out of dodge. She made quick work of the parent and child nodes which caused a roll-up door to open and reveal a small gift shop looking room. She pulled her mask off her face to take a quick breath. Her heart was racing. between the rabbit and how slow dealing with the nodes was. This was all a little much. Taking the mask off caused her to pay more attention to stuff like her earpiece. Something was talking to her in morse code, but it wasn’t Helpi. Whatever was trying to reach her had a much deeper tone. She hum-sighed and looked around; Gregory mentioned that someone was responding to the distress signal that rabbit thing was sending out, so surely she’d see someone looking for whoever sent out the signal. Eventually, she heard growling and heavy breathing, it was that alligator yokai thing. Was that monty? Cassie hoped Monty was someone with tightened screws, instead of the creepy ass rabbit she kept running into. She huffed and put her mask back on to deactivate the nodes and move on. Once she finished up with the parent node, she took off her mask and put it on her shoulder as she heard music playing over the speakers. She assumed deactivating the nodes turned on the power. She subtly danced to the catchy tune before she decided to move on. The dancing was like a nice relaxing break for her; but as she crouched down to go back through the tunnel, the metal-covered alligator suddenly burst out from the left of the tunnel and crashed into the other side, causing Cassie to gasp.
“Human!” he shouted frantically at the frightened child as he began charging toward her before a bit of the golf turf came down on his snout, causing him to growl in pain and pull away from her. It sounded painful; cassie debated asking if he was ok, but decided not to.
“I figured it out, the signal was leading Monty to your location. You got out of there just in time. If you see it again, keep your distance. The gator grub door is open, you should be able to find a path to the daycare through the security office,” gregory suddenly chimed in. Cassie hummed to herself as she walked over the tunnel.
“Fazbear entertainment is not responsible for potential AR traumas or lingering effects of antivirus programs on carbon-based work components,” Helpi told her as she noticed another vending machine torn open and emptied. she continued down to the electrified door and realized it was now powered down and unlocked. She walked through and went down an eerie hallway until she got another conduit panel and solved it before continuing on her way. She got to a small security office where she found more nodes. She dealt with them as quickly as she could before continuing on her way, or at least trying to, before noticing the alligator yokai struggling to get through the metal gate thing she passed going into the security office, he didn’t seem to notice her until he was about to start gnawing on the metal. He suddenly looked at her and pulled his mouth away from the bar awkwardly.

“Thank god i was finally able ta catch up ta ya! Are ya alright? Did ya get hurt? I hope i didn’t scare ya back at the tunnel,” he sighed as he continued to struggle with the gate.

“I’m fine, I only got a scrape a while ago, you didn’t scare me too bad. Who are you, and what are you doing here?” Cassie hesitated.

“I’m monty, i’ve been ‘ere a while, i lost track how long i’ve been here for,” the alligator smiled and tried to look as unthreatening as he could.

“Ok monty. You look stuck, do you need help?” Cassie asked, crouching down to his level.

“Oh, yes please,” Monty nodded as he did his best to force the gate apart with one hand as he offered the other one to Cassie to help pull him out. Together, they managed to get the alligator free and move on to a storage room looking area.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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