1:15 AM

7 1 0

Gregory walked through the door and poked around the restaurant, ignoring the aged salsa and cheese scent that wafted from every corner of the place.
    “I can help,” Roxanne snarled in a condescending tone as Gregory quietly made his way toward a large motion-sensing door that, after walking through a short hallway, led to a large, sparsely decorated room littered with security and mop bots.
    “Well done, Gregory! You are in the east arcade. You should be able to get to the Prize Counter through the security office. Look for the door with a Security Badge symbol on it,” Freddy congratulated as the boy stalked his way through the room, avoiding S.T.A.F.F bots as he went.
    “Hey pipsqueak, come on out. We’re only trying to help,” Roxy snarled condescendingly as Gregory approached the door Freddy was talking about and scanned his pass only for it to make a surprisingly loud beeping noise, causing Roxy and the security bots to flock to the sound as Gregory fled.
    “Freddy it didn’t open,” he panicked after he was somewhere safe.
    “How unfortunate. Head past the superstar-cade wall. There is a roll-up door at the very back which leads to the prize counter," Freddy informed as Gregory scoped out the area, looking for Roxy or the security bots. He was making good progress until he suddenly heard a loud alarm. He looked behind him to see one of those damn security bots shining its light on him and making a commotion.
    “You can’t outrun me!” Roxy shouted as Gregory ran away from where he heard her, getting caught by another security bot. After some running and hearing Roxy crash into the security bot he set off, Gregory hid behind a few arcade cabinets, trying to quietly catch his breath.
    “You’re the best, you will find him first,” he heard Roxy mutter as her boots tapped rhythmically against the linoleum. Gregory crept out of his hiding spot and kept looking for the door when Roxy’s footsteps got quiet enough.
    After some searching, he found the roll-up door that Freddy was talking about, only to see that it, too, was locked.
    “Locked again? Why does a pizza place need so much security?” he asked out loud to no one.
    “They are… required safety measures due to the city’s high crime rate. Look for another way in," Freddy answered, making Gregory flinch a little and causing his arm to throb again. He was seen by a security bot yet again, causing him to retreat into a nearby vent. As he crawled through, he heard a small thud behind him. He turned around to see a small wrecked wind-up toy that looked like some kind of white centaur spider thing with pink and purple accents; using 6 legs to walk and its other two legs to hold a pair of war-torn cymbals, and a big pink human nose in the middle of its face. Gregory started to desperately crawl away, which wasn’t very fast considering his right arm felt like it was ready to snap in half, causing him to not use it. It went on like this until the boy got to the end of the vent. He dropped down to the floor and turned to see the wind-up toy circle and retreat into the duct.
    “Yes! Found it,” Gregory huffed as he walked into the security room and swapped his Security Badge with the one that was in the Freddy head.
    “Emergency lockdown activated. This area is off-limits to guests,” the AI voice suddenly boomed from the speakers on the desk, causing Gregory to flinch.
    “No, no, no! Freddy, I don't know what happened! All I did was take the badge,” he panicked as quietly as he could into the Fazwatch speaker.
    “Do not panic. That office is now on lockdown. I can deactivate the alarm, but it will take some time,” Freddy replied from his end before going offline again. The boy sighed and did his best to keep himself hidden from the other performers while Freddy deactivated the alarm. After what felt like hours, the alarm finally went silent.
    “All done! See? That was not so bad. If the path is clear, head to the prize counter,” Freddy announced calmly as Gregory quietly breathed a sigh of relief and crept out of the office, avoiding Roxy as he went.
    “Go to the back of the prize counter. The fire escape is in the VIP room,” Freddy told the boy as roxy snapped her head in the direction of the sound. Gregory was careful not to make any more noise as he crept to the front desk and through the prize counter, eventually finding the fire escape.
    “You found the fire escape! Unfortunately, I do not think there is a way to unlock it without activating the fire alarm. It is not a very good emergency system. I have lodged a formal complaint," Freddy congratulated.
    “Freddy, the doors are all locked! I can’t get out of here!” Gregory panicked back as he frantically, quietly, jiggled the door handle.
    “Get to the elevator. Find a safe path on your Fazwatch.”
    Gregory turned off his watch and looked around, making sure one of the performers wasn’t waiting for the perfect time to strike.
    “Hey, pipsqueak. Come on out, we’re only trying to help,” he heard Roxanne call out from the room at the end of the hall. Gregory held his breath, waiting to hear what she would do next. After a few seconds, he heard her walking away and exhaled as he started walking toward the elevator that Freddy highlighted for him.
    “I heard that,” he suddenly heard Roxy growl as she started walking toward him, he panicked and started running for the elevator, causing the wolf to see him and give chase. He rounded a corner and ducked behind a stack of plushies, which seemed to get her off his tail. He caught his breath before approaching the elevator, his savior in this trying time, and was about to press the up button when a map bot suddenly appeared and pried the doors open.
    “Free map,” it insisted, shoving a map into Gregory’s face. This went on in silence for a few seconds before a new player entered the ring.
    “Move!” a feminine voice demanded as a hand shoved the bot to the side. This allowed Gregory to get a good look at whoever this was; only for him to realize with the utmost dread that it was that rabbit, Officer Vanessa, from before.
    “Gotcha,” she growled as she roughly grabbed Gregory’s shoulder and shined a flashlight in his face before everything suddenly went dark.

2:00 AM

1117 words (idk how I forgot this)

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