Contact! A Son's Promise

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I do not own Lol, or anything referenced.

-Omega POV-

I walked down the path the soldiers were supposed to be taking. Xayah and Rakan stood beside me, JD watched the back, and Ahri was in the middle. She was our only hope to really avoid conflict. The man seems really adamant about protecting something or someone.

"We're getting close. I can smell blood and death." Ahri says and I nod as we all get ready. Suddenly the world goes dark, the animals go quiet, and the wind doesn't even move. "He's here." Ahri whispers.

"Leave." The male from the projection says. We look around to see the Hachiman eyes staring at us.

"We just want to talk." I say and raise my hands slightly.

"You are trespassing on Sacred Grounds. Leave now!" He demands and we all take a few steps back.

"Please just listen to us!" Ahri yells and looks at him. His eyes lock onto hers and Ahri walks towards him. The male doesn't move until Ahri reaches for him.

"Back away!" He demands but she continues to reach for him.

"Just talk to us." Ahri says and I can hear the charm spell in her voice.

"Enough!" He yells as a guest of wind blows us all back. "You tried to charm me." He growls and we all get up. "Since you all weren't hostile right away. I'll send you back alive." He says and we all  draw our weapons.

"Yo bro. When you get a chance, slip away while we distract him." JD says and I nod.

-??? POV-

I look at the five intruders and get into my stance. Suddenly the man with the large hammer jumps at me, I easily dodge his swings, I leg sweep him, and use my momentum to send a kick into his stomach. I quickly backflip away as dagger like feathers attempt to impale me. I duck behind a tree and catch the other armored guy trying to slip by. I go through hand signs and blow out a ball of fire at him.

"Fuck!" He yells and jumps back from the flames. I refocus on the bird Vastayan throwing her feathers. I growl and rush her easily weaving through the feathers. As I get close I duck underneath the other bird, and throw him into the Ninetailed vixen.

"Sleep." I ordered her while using my eyes to send her subconsciousness to sleep.

"Xayah!" The other bird yells and I lean back from a punch. I quickly grab his wrist and send my knee deep into his stomach. As he coughs and gasps for air  I slam a reinforced open palm to his back. He slams into the ground as cracks form around him.

"Two down and three to go." I say and look to see the light armored male was gone. "Shit!" I yell in anger and try to sense him. But I quickly have to dodge a hammer and an orb of magic.

"Just hear us out!" The Vixen yells and tries to reach for me.

"Then why do you try and take my memories?!" I yell and send a large gust of wind at them. I go through hand signs and slam both hands on the ground. Two dragons made of rock slam and wrap around the heavily armored male. The dragons drag him further into the forest and I'm left with the Vixen.

"Please! We want to help protect you!" She says in a pleading tone.

"Protect me?! Humans are the reason our people are all but extinct!" I yell at her my tails swaying with anger.

"Things have changed since the High Summoners took over! They explained that hunting our people for sport was inhumane, and downright evil!" She yells and I glare at her.

"I would believe you. But one of your people pushed past and left you all. Don't worry, I'll still let you all live." I growl and run at her.

-Omega POV-

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