What is One's Purpose?

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I do not own KDA, LoL, or anything referenced.

-Ishtar POV-

I sigh as I watch the kids go through their training. With Grey suddenly pulled away for a mission, it left me to train them. "Kazuto you need to exhale fully when you breathe out ice. At your age you could accidentally trap ice in your mouth, you don't want Grey to find out you haven't been listening right?" I ask and he freezes in place.

"N-No Big Sister! I just wanted to quickly counter Izanami's fire." He says and Izanami giggles.

"How is your small tornado coming along Shinra?" I ask and see her struggling with the wind magic. Poor girl doesn't have the patience for wind magic. She should have been a lightning Kitsune, or even a fire one.

"I've almost got it." She struggles to say until Kazuto is thrown through it. Her eyes widen as her small tornado disappears. "You bastard!" Shinra screams in enraged. My eyes widen as a decent tornado picks up Kazuto, and throws him into Izanami. "Do you know how hard it is to focus on this stupid wind?! You two have the easiest elements!" She screams and the tornado gets bigger. "It's so fucking annoying!" She screams and the tornado launches at the two. Acting quickly I launch over and scoop up both Izanami and Kazuto. I jump back and watch as the tornado slams into the ground and tears it up.

"Shinra!" I yell and she suddenly flinches and becomes docile.

"I'm sorry Big Sister! I know Big Brother told us not to lose our temper! But she threw him into my tiny tornado on purpose, after I've been working so hard on it!" Shinra says quickly and I flick her forehead gently.

"No silly. Look at what you just did." I tell her and point to the carnage her attack did.

"I did that?" She asks and I nod.

"I'm so proud of you. Can you try and remember what you thought about?" I ask and she nods.

"I just pictured a tornado going after them." She says and I smile.

"Good. Now I just want you to picture the tornado." I say and Shinra turns. She lifts both of her hands up and a small tornado easily forms.

"Big Sister! I'm doing it!" She cheers loudly.

"I'm so proud of you!" I cheer as both Kazuto and Izanami celebrate.

"Do you think Big Brother will be proud of me?!" She asks with stars in her eyes.

"I know without a doubt Grey will be so proud of you. He might even train you to do one of his special tornado moves." I say and she cheers in excitement before practicing more. I sent them to train with the other Kitsune kids. I turn away and begin coughing into my hand, I feel the burning sensation in my lungs, and look to see blood in my hand.

"You alright?" Omega asks making me jump. I quickly raise my hand, and he is launched into the air thanks to a stone pillar. He lands and rolls to his feet before looking at me. "Is that how we treat friends now?" He asks and I glare at him.

"I thought you were on that mission with Grey!" I yell at him.

"Nah. I'm by myself for the next couple of days. JD is off investigating a familiar signal. So I was wondering if you wanted to hang out." He says and I sigh softly.

"Sure." I say and turn to the kids. "Alright kids! Go off and make friends with the kids in the academy! If you all need me you know how to contact me." I say and the kids cheer before running off to make new friends. I smile as they run off and I turn to Omega.

"Didn't think it would be that easy." He says and I laugh at him. I follow him to a small ice cream stand. I gasp and point at the light blue ice cream. "Sea Salt Ice Cream?" Omega says confused and I smile at him.

"This is Grey's favorite ice cream. He told me the ice cream was like him. He was very sweet to me and the kids, but to the adults he was spiteful and took everything with a grain of salt." I explained and he nodded.

"Sounds interesting. We'd like two Sea Salt Ice Creams." Omega says and we get the ice cream. We head back to sit under a tree. "So how were your parents to you?" He asks and I smile.

"My parents were very loving and made sure I had many friends. They made sure to look into my condition, but never found it." I say and frown at how they used to treat Grey, then to the day the village was attacked, and when they died protecting me. As I think about that memory my head begins to hurt and throb.

"Ishtar?" Omega asks in concern and I smile at him.

"I'm alright." I say and begin eating the ice cream. As we eat in a comfortable silence Omega begins patting and petting my head and ears. I can't help but purr softly and nuzzle into his touch.

"I'm so telling Grey." Someone says and we look up and our eyes widen as we see JD and someone else.

" Someone says and we look up and our eyes widen as we see JD and someone else

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"Mario!" Omega says and hops up. "JD you better not show Grey that picture!" He quickly says and JD chuckles softly.

"Think you can take it from me?" JD asks and Omega runs at him. JD laughs loudly as he runs from Omega.

"Leave them be. I'd like to discuss some things with you." Mario says and I look at him. "Nothing too serious. It's just about my brothers Omega and JD." He says and I nod slowly as I follow him to a bench. I take one last look to see Omega was now throwing knives at JD.

-Grey POV-

I hid in an alley as Riven covered for me and Kai'sa. We watched the Mayor's son's house and watched as a bandit walked out quietly. I turned and nodded to Kai'sa as we followed the bandit around. "If he attempts to grab a woman we'll kill him." I tell her and she nods.

"You have a weird taste for first dates." Kai'sa says and I look at her.

"First dates?" I say confused and she looks shocked by my confusion.

"Do you know what a date is?" She asks and I think back to my old life.

"No. Maybe Ishtar will know." I say and her eyes widen.

"I'll explain after we get back to the academy." She says and I nod to her.

-There we have it people! Sorry for the long wait, I lost my older brother a little over a week ago, and just haven't had the motivation to update anything. But Omega and Ishtar have gotten a little closer, and Mario is now with our group of heroes! Who gets the reference about the Sea Salt Ice cream? Also Kai'sa and Grey are now stalking a bandit that came from the Mayor's son's house. Grey also shocks Kai'sa since he doesn't know what a date is. Remember he was raised as a weapon and only really got close with Ishtar. I wonder what Mario wanted to talk to Ishtar about. Next time Grey and his group will confront the bandits! Till next time everyone!-

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