The Framed

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I do not own LoL, or anything referenced.

-Grey POV-

I wake up as my body feels completely drained and sore. I could hear a soft humming as someone pets my head gently. I look up to see Fiora and she smiles down at me. "Good morning." She says and I nod at her.

"Morning." I say softly and she lets me up.

"Are you feeling better?" She asks and I nod.

"Yes." I say and she gets up.

"Good. Now you have a mock battle today to test your actual battle prowess." She says and I nod getting up. I hugged her gently before quickly moving to my room. I shower and get ready for this mock battle. I get into my battle attire and head to the main forum. There is a huge thing that had my name and picture already on it. Soon it seems like the whole school joins me, and looks like everyone is ready for a fight.

"Hello my wonderful students!" The Headmaster announces getting our attention. "Today we will see our new Kitsune in action! Grey and Ishtar please join me on stage!" He says and both of us walk up. "You two will be a part of the red team with JD, Omega, and Neeko." He says as they all join us with Neeko looking up at me. "Now the blue team will be Elise, Ashe, Lux, Vlad, and Garen." He says and they all walk up. My eyes widen at the sight of Garen's armor. I clench my hands tightly in anger before being engulfed in a blue light.

As I open my eyes i see we are now on a type of platform. "Welcome to the League Arena! Here death has no power! Anytime you are killed you will be put on a timer, and sent back to the fountain! For our two newcomers there are objectives and even buffs to claim around the map! Your top lane is for warriors to fight it out, mid-lane is for magic users to grow and become major threats later on, bottom lane is for your carry to get ready to do damage, as well as for your support to keep them alive, and finally the jungle is for your last member to kill the camps, and help wherever is needed! But remember this is a team oriented game! Help your team secure victory whenever you can! Good luck champions!" The Headmaster announces and I look up.

"JD switch with me." I say and he looks at me.

"Grey." Ishtar says and I look at her.

"He has the same armor as them." I growl and she nods.

"Give him hell Bro." JD says as Ishtar nods in agreement. The buzzer sounds and I sprint off to the lane. As I see Garen coming from around his tower I growl angrily.

"Ah I see I get to fight the new fox!" He says and I immediately hit him with an air blast. He slams into a tree and gasps in pain, immediately I grip his throat tightly, and growl lowly.

"I will make sure you feel what your people made my pack go through." I growl.

"What?" He asks choking and gasping for air. I say nothing as I begin to electrocute him. He suddenly disappeared in a blue light. I growl and begin killing the minions. As I attack the tower suddenly a giant spider comes at me. I backflip away before launching into the air, and blowing out a large fireball killing the spiderlings.

"You are different from Ahri." The spider says making me confused. It suddenly turns into a woman with tendril-like spider limbs. She saunters up making sure to sway her hips.

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