Saving The Alpha

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I do not own LoL or anything referenced.

-Grey POV almost two months later-

I stare at the bloodied floor as my chains rattle on my wrists. I'm starving as I've had little to no food since I've gotten here. Kali and Lucy have come in and tortured me repeatedly trying to get me to break. As long as my friends and loved ones are safe, I'll never break.

"Lord Grey I have brought you food." Lucy says and I stay silent. "You need to eat Grey. You'll die if you don't." She says and I scoff.

"Good. Then she can't have my eyes for whatever psycho plan she has." I say hoarsely.

"Damn it Grey I don't care about her plans!" Lucy yells and I look at her. "I know you didn't kill the twins! I also know you spared my life!" She yells and I frown.

"You're delusional." I say and she glares at me.

"No! Because somehow you knew we weren't a part of Kali's clan!" She yells and I frown.

"Whatever you think I may know....I don't. Now unless you're going to torture me, get out of my cell, and let me die." I snap at her and she runs out of the cell crying. An hour later Kali walks in with a frown.

"What did you do to Lucy?" She asks and I smirk.

"The ugly bitch thought she could convince me to break. So I called her out on her fears. Such a pathetic woman." I say and hiss in pain as Kali hits me with a whip. "You're just as pathetic as her." I say and gasp as she hits me across my stomach.

"I'm getting absolutely fed up with you! I no longer want your eyes! But I want to deliver your lifeless corpse to those worthless things you call a pack!" She growls and I spit in her face.

"Do it then bitch. Cause I promise I'll take you with me." I growl and she punches me in the jaw.

"Fine. Then you'll be hung in a week." She says and leaves.

-Ishtar POV-

I hum softly as I rub my stomach with a smile. "You shouldn't be out here." Omega says and I look at him.

"I'm going to be fine. I'll be hanging back and healing everyone." I say and he frowns.

"You and your brother are so hardheaded." He says and I smirk.

"You weren't complaining about my head last night." I purr and he jumps slightly.

"Shut up!" He quickly says making me giggle softly.

Suddenly we hear rustling and we all get ready to fight. My eyes widen when Kinzaki and Korzin walk out of the brush. "I told you I smelled Lady Ishtar." Korzin says and Kinzaki huffs.

"You were right one time." Kinzaki growls and I get confused.

"Wait. Grey killed you both back at the academy." I say and they both smile at me.

"No. He thankfully spares us and I think it's because he knows." Korzin says and I motion for him to continue. "We are a part of the clan your parents stole him from. Our Goddess Nemesis has guided us to find him again. Now that we've gotten back into contact with you all, let's take you to Grey's Mother." He says and we all follow him. Why would he lie and not go back to Mother right away.

After walking for a while we enter the clearing and see a small taskforce of Kitsune and Wolfkin. "Remember what I tought all of you!" An older woman yells as they train.

 "Remember what I tought all of you!" An older woman yells as they train

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(She has a few strands of gray in her hair. This is Himura Koi-Len... Grey's birth mother.)

"Lady Nemesis has told us our best and only shot to get my son is in a week!" She says loudly before looking at us. "Have you two brought them?" She asks and the twins kneel to her.

"Yes Empress Himura. This is Lady Ishtar and Lord Omega along with their friends and family." Korzin says and Himura nods to them. She then looks at our group and we all kneel to her.

"So you are the one who will take over once I kill your mother?" She asks and I look up at her.

"With all due respect Empress I would like to kill my Mother myself." I say and she hums.

"No. She took MY son out of his crib, robbed me of being a mother, and then proceeded to torture him for his eyes." She says and I nod.

"I understand Empress. But at least let me assist you." I plead and she sighs.

"You are with child." She says and I nod before Omega laughs.

"I've tried telling her not to get involved. But she really wants to save her brother." Omega says and the Empress nods.

"Fine. But once we save Grey you are to retreat with him immediately. I have a feeling your mother will run before we get to her." Himura says and I nod.

"Yes your highness." I say and she motions us to her camp.

"These are my Elite Soldiers, the best of the best, and are hellbent on saving my son. Especially Nala over there since she was the one who was protecting Grey in his crib.

 Especially Nala over there since she was the one who was protecting Grey in his crib

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(Nala. General of the Royal Guard.)

"She's trained diligently everyday since Grey was taken. She is also the most brutal and merciless woman I've ever met, and that is saying something." Himura says and Evelynn walks up.

"She's a succubus." Evelynn says and Himura nods.

"I lost a wager to her as she was a solo succubus. She waged her life if she lost, and she wanted to marry my first born child when they came of age." Himura says shocking us as this would be technically Grey's first wife.

"Lady Himura is it time to save my husband?" Nala asks walking up to us.

"No Nala but soon. Meanwhile meet your sister-in-law and your fellow wives." Himura says and Nala gives us all a look.

"Fine. Meet me in my tent." She says neutrally and walks away. All of us girls look at each other before following.

-Grey POV one week later-

I limp as I'm forced onto a stage and am suddenly shoved down. A crowd erupts into cheers before I'm roughly kicked over. "Here we have our traitorous bastard Grey! He refuses to give us his eyes to bring Lord Hachiman to this world!" Kali yells and earns a lot of booing from the crowd. "So today he is to be hung!" She yells and gets a bunch of cheers. I look out into the crowd and have no energy to do anything. I've had no food and barely any water since our last talk. I am forced underneath the hangman's arch, and a noose is put around my neck. "Any last words?" She asks and I see hidden figures in the crowd.

I take a deep breath and spit in her face. "Go fuck yourself." I say weakly as she wipes the spit off her face. She suddenly punches me in the gut making me gasp in pain.

"You vile piece of trash." She growls as I look up at her.

"How can you see yourself without a mirror?" I ask and she growls louder.

"Do it!" She orders and the hangman begins pulling the lever as I close my eyes.


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