A Voidling and The Sword Queen

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I do not own LoL or anything referenced.

-Grey POV-

I rest in my bed as I read through old scrolls brought back from the village. I also began planning the Eclipse festival since it was that time of year. I smile at how excited the kids will be when there is music, games, candy, food, and so much more. I hum softly as Ahri walks in and smiles at me.

"Good morning My Lord." Ahri purrs making me groan loudly.

"Ahri." I growl lowly and she giggles as she puts a hand on my chest. As her eyes glow in the morning light she smiles at me.

"You can't do anything now that you're on bedrest." She purrs and crawls onto my bed. "What are you looking at?" She asks and I hum softly.

"Just plans for the Eclipse festival. I have already made multiple requests for food stalls, and even talked to some chefs about some Kitsune delicacies. Thankfully Darius and Garen were able to put this as a 'bonding exercise' between their people." I tell her and she lowers the scroll slightly. "Ahri." I say and look into her golden orbs.

"I want more." She purrs and my eyes widen.

"Ahri we are still young." I say and she grabs my mask and rips it off. It hits the wall and shattered making my eyes widen more. "Ahri-" I begin but she kisses me roughly.

"No talking. You need to put babies in me." She purrs. Before she could do anything else at the time my door opened, and in walks Riven and Kai'sa.

"Are we interrupting something?" Riven asks and Ahri nods.

"Yes. Grey here needs to put an Heir in me." Ahri says and I blush brightly.

"What?!" Riven asks and she points to her eyes.

"In Kitsune culture my eyes mean I'm supposed to mate and marry Grey." She says and Kai'sa glares at her.

"What a load of bullshit Ahri! Xayah and Rakhan have gold eyes too!" Riven yells and Ahri nods.

"But they aren't Kitsune. A Kitsune could have any color despite what their parents have. With gold eyes, when we reach a proper age to have a family, we get flashes of our mates. Small things like his mask, his tail colors, his voice, and even his eyes came to me!" Ahri growls and gets off of me. Her tails swish angrily as she summons a fox fire.

"So you're supposed to just be a wife?" Riven asks and I could tell she didn't understand.

"No! I am to be a Mate! Which means I am to keep him sane, help him destress, make sure he is well groomed, and give him a lot of kids!" Ahri defends.

"So you're nothing but a glorified baby machine?" Riven asks and I could tell she didn't mean it as an insult.

"You bitch!" Ahri yells as she summons a larger fireball.

"Enough!" I yell and they all immediately look at me as I get up. "As members of my pack I expect you all to get along! I won't have you all getting angry and jealous with each other!" I say and they nod looking up at me.

"I'm sorry Grey." Ahri says and I kiss her head gently.

"Me too. I'm also sorry for offending you Ahri. I'm honestly interested in how your...clan...works." Riven says and Ahri nods.

"I forgive you Ahri and thank you Riven for apologizing. I appreciate how defensive you are over me Ahri, you are the definition of a perfect mate... despite not being able to cook well." I say while chuckling.

"I can cook!" She yells and I kiss her ears gently.

"It was a joke Ahri." I say and she huffs.

"Didn't you almost burn down the Academy while in Morgana's cooking class?" Kai'sa asks and Ahri looks down embarrassed.

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