Only A Little Effort

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I do not own LoL or anything referenced.

-Grey POV-


I dodge Rumerra and slam my hand down making the ground swallow him. I have to deal with these Ninjas before him. I rise to my feet and block a katana, spinning to the left of him, I stab the kunai through his neck. I kick off his corpse into the air, as I flip I throw three kunai at one Ninja, as he dies I land, and take his katana. "Play time is over." I say and use wind magic to make myself faster. I sprint at the enemy and quickly slash a Kunoichi across her chest. I turn and block a naginata, I push it away, I stab the man in the throat, I then take his naginata, spinning it in the air, I bring it down slashing six of their throats.

"Are you all incompetent?!" Kali yells loudly. I smile as I kick away a chained ball, I spin the naginata, and throw it through the Kunoichi's heart. I grab the chain and block a katana, I wrap the chain around his neck, and kick him back with so much force it tears his head off. As his blood splatters to the ground some even landing on my face, I spin the ball and chain, I kick the ball into a Kunoichi's chest, I kick off of a Shinobi, and bring the ball down onto the Kunoichi's chest killing her.

"You all are going to die here." I say and go through handsigns. "Burn to Ashes!" I yell and swing my arms open. Suddenly a huge pillar of fire erupts around me, and slowly pushes out consuming them slowly. As their screams of agony slowly die down the pillar dissipates. I'm left staring at a stunned Lucy and Kali. I pull out a kunai and Lucy rushes me.

"How could you attack your own people and kill them?!" She asks as I block her attacks.

"You all are the traitors. We stopped being a clan when you all started killing innocents!" I yell and parry her overhead swing. I knee her in the stomach before trying to cut her throat. She was able to lean back only taking a nick.

"They stood against us and our beliefs!" She yells and I grab her shirt.

"Then you shall feel the pain you brought on all of us." I growl and begin to electrocute her. As she screams in agony I begin to make the lightning more intense. I suddenly toss her away and block Kali's nunchuck. As she attacks it's hard to predict every swing, as the nunchucks are extremely unpredictable, but if I can fight Briar...I can fight this bitch.

I dodge, duck, and block her attacks which makes her smile. "You're doing well. Too bad this ends here." She says before Rumerra appears from the ground. I smirk as he punches her which sends her flying back. She slams into a wall and falls down in pain.

"This isn't over Lord Grey." Lucy says as she grabs Kali and they disappear leaving Rumerra behind.

"Guess it's just us big guy." I say and grab a katana. He growls and gets into a boxers stance.

"Grey?!" Omega yells as he and the other guys return.

"This is your Grey?!" I ask and they nod as they get ready for a fight.

"Please let us handle this." Omega says and I shake my head.

"Your fight is my fight. That's what it means to be a pack." I say and all three of them nod.

"Got it. But just give us support." JD says before sprinting at Rumerra. "Wake up you bastard!" He yells and goes for an overhead punch. Rumerra blocks it, he slides back a little, before he sends a punch so powerful into his stomach, you can see the shockwave, and JD flies past us.

"JD!" Mario yells and summons a massive Nova bomb. As Mario throws it Rumerra holds out his arms and holds it. He suddenly gets to one knee and Mario puts more power into it. Suddenly Rumerra lifts it high and throws it back at Mario. "Oh shit!" Mario yells and I quickly tackle him out of the way.

"Come back to your senses Bro!" Omega yells as he sends a kick at Rumerra. Rumerra blocks it only for Omega to twist and kick his head. As Rumerra's head turns Omega backflip kicks off of him. But as Omega lands Rumerra is upon him and begins an onslaught of punches. Omega does his best to dodge and block, but eventually he is grabbed in a suplex hold, but instead of him getting suplexed, Rumerra begins to laugh, and swings Omega like a little kid.

(Song end)

"It's so good to see you boys again!" He cheers excitedly.

"What?" Omega says confused and I watch as JD and Mario slowly get up.

"Holy shit. He didn't kill us?" JD asks as Mario looks at us.

"You three have definitely gotten stronger." Rumerra says and takes off his helmet. "I'm so proud of you three." He says and the three take off their helmets.

"But how? You were corrupted." Omega says and he chuckles before pointing at me.

"Grey here freed me from their control the second I rushed at him. I just wanted to see how you guys would react to me. I'm happy you would try and save me." He says and all of them hug him.

"We've looked all over for you!" Omega says and Rumerra chuckles softly.

"I heard. But sadly I need to return to the traveler. We were set up all those years ago, and I know who did it." He says and they look shocked.

"But we just got you back!" JD yells and Rumerra chuckles.

"We can help you!" Mario adds quickly and Rumerra shakes his head.

"No. You three will stay here." He says and before they can protest he holds his hand up. "Would you three really abandon your friend?" He asks and they look at me.

"Grey your eyes!" Mario says making me confused. I rub my eyes and pull my hand away to see blood on it.

"It's alright. Just a side effect from bringing him back." I say before I feel a little tired.

"Don't worry. I'll come back and visit once I put an end to the traitor." Rumerra says and they nod before running up to me.

"You better." Omega says before supporting me.

"Grey!" Rumerra says and I look at him. "You look after my boys." He says and I chuckle.

"They've been mostly looking after me." I say and he chuckles.

"I bet they have. I'll be in contact." He says and disappears into a purple portal.

"You alright bro?" Omega asks and I sigh.

"Not really. Is everyone okay?" I ask and they nod.

"Yeah. Ishtar has a lot of questions." He says and I sigh.

"Take me to her. I've hidden the truth for too long." I say and follow them.

"Was that your pillar of fire?" Mario asks and I nod. "Wow. We could see it all the way from town." He says making me chuckle. Eventually they take me to an Inn where Ishtar is waiting.

"What the hell is going on?!" She asks angrily and I sit down.

"It's better if I show you." I say and motion for Omega, JD, and Mario to sit next to her. "Look into my eyes." I say.

-Holy hell! What a fight from Grey and Rumerra! It may have seemed that Omega and the boys were outmatched, but they were able to land hits on Rumerra. Rumerra also stated that their job was a set-up to kill the four guardians, he will hunt down the traitor on his own, and has left Runeterra. We will soon find out what really happened to the Kitsune village. Till next time everyone!-

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