Yin and Yang

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I do not own LoL, or anything referenced.

-Grey POV-

I sigh as I look for any signs of Ahri and the others. Would I like school life? Could I really be allowed to set up the Eclipse Festival? As I think to myself the ground shakes slightly. "Jinx!" I hear a woman scream in rage as a blue haired girl in a purple uniform slides around a corner.

"Make a break for it!" She yells while laughing. I don't know why but I began running with her. I look back as a girl with pink hair and a red uniform turns the corner. Behind her was a tall slender girl in a matching outfit but has a top hat. Looking closer I see paint spots all over them. I look back at the giggling girl.

"What did you do?" I ask as we run.

"I put a paint bomb in their dorm." She says laughing as we turn a corner.

"Why?" I ask not sure if I should be running with her anymore.

"That's my sister and her best friend. They took the last cupcakes, so I painted their room, and them." She says and I laugh. I think about it and know I have done something like that with Ishtar. I see some stairs in the distance and scoop up Jinx into my arms. As she goes to question me I go through single handed signs. Taking a deep breath, I exhale creating an ice slide, and slide down it. I look back and snap breaking it in front of the two. I turn down a hallway to see Omega and Ishtar with the others.

"Hey sis! Bye sis!" I yell sprinting past them.

-Ishtar POV-

I watched Grey sprint down the hall with what looked like joy in his eyes. I smiled until I realized he was carrying a girl in his arms. I look to see Ahri with an angry look in her eyes.

"Stop you two!" A female screams as two painted girls pass us. I look at Ahri and we run after them, the kids not far behind us with Omega and JD.

"What happened?" I ask as we run.

"My sister paint bombed us! I don't know why he's helping her!" The pink haired girl says.

"Grey! You are in so much trouble!" I yell and he turns with a big eye smile. I smile brightly since it's been so long since I've seen him this happy. We sprint after the two as they lead us outside. Once we enter the courtyard Grey sets the girl down and turns to us.

"You are in so much trouble Grey." I say and we both drop down into our stances. The two girls get beside me as the girl next to Grey gets ready. My eyes widen as Ahri moves next to Grey.

"So you betray me Ahri?" I ask and she opens her mouth.

"You are the traitor! My own sister betrayed me in my time of need!" Grey announced with mock hurt.

"You've gone mad Dear Brother!" I announce with a smile. "I'm afraid I'll have to put you down." I say and put on my gloves.

"You can try." He says and runs at me. He sends a punch to my head which I lean away from, he suddenly puts his foot up as I go for a backflip kick, and launches off my kick. I rush him as he lands and send a left punch at him.

"You've gotten faster Ishtar." He says as he moves just enough to dodge my attacks. He suddenly kicks me back as the pink haired girl goes for a punch. She put so much force into that punch  Grey's hair comes undone. My eyes widen as he reaches up to fix his mask, he does a backhand spring, and slides back a little. Ahri gets in front of me making me chuckle.

"Really working for brownie points huh Ahri?" I ask and she blushes slightly.

"I want to test my skills against a trained Kitsune." She says and I nod.

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