A Brother's Promise

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I do not own LoL or anything referenced.

-Grey POV a month later-

I lay in my hospital bed reading through the book. Apparently the book was now attuned to me. As I read the book there is a knock on my door. "Come in." I say and get ready as I already knew it was Jinx. I open my arms ready for her to leap into the bed, only for her to walk in looking down.

"I'm sorry." She says softly and thanks to my eyes I could see the tears falling.

"Come here Little Firecracker." I say softly and she walks over to me. I pull her into the bed and gently pet her hair.

"You got really hurt because of me." She cries into my chest and I chuckle softly.

"Did you put that trap there?" I ask and she shakes her head. "Then how did you hurt me?" I ask and she looks up with her puffy red eyes.

"Because if I'd have just looked for it myself, I could have brought the book back for you." She says and I kiss her gently.

"You are not to blame for my injuries, I was warned about the trap, and I chose to go for the book. I'd never blame you for what I chose to do." I tell her and she looks up at me. "I'm sorry I put you all through that." I say and she snuggles closer to me.

"Just promise you won't do that again. Throw yourself at danger I mean." She says and I frown.

"I can't promise that Jinx." I say and she looks up. "Now just relax while I read this book." I say and hold her close.

-Ishtar POV-

I sit with Omega as I put my head into my hands. "Babe." He says and I let out a shaky sigh.

"Why? Why does he always get hurt? All because of this stupid disease!" I scream and throw a nearby pillow at the wall.

"Hey! Would Grey really want you to blame yourself?" Omega asks and I shake my head.

"I know! But damn it all! Curse this disease, curse this frail body, and curse that vile bitch I called a mother!" I scream before falling to my knees and coughing up large amounts of blood.

"Ishtar!" Omega yells but he suddenly sounds far away. I can taste blood filling up my lungs, and I feel my heart slowing down. I look up at Omega with terrified eyes...I don't want to die. Omega scoops me up into his arms and sprints into the hallway.

"Get out of the way! Someone Get Grey and a fucking doctor!" Omega yells and I look over and vomit up blood.

-Small timeskip Grey POV-

"How long has she been like this?!" I ask as I run down the hallway. The girls had met me halfway as the other Guardians fell in with us.

"Omega says it started twenty minutes ago, they are constantly draining blood from her lungs, and they have a machine helping her heart stay strong." Mario says as I enter the medical wing.

"Grey!" Omega yells and I walk up to him. I pulled him into a hug and could feel him shaking.

"It's alright. I know how to fix her." I say and he looks at me.

"Really?" He asks and I nod my head. I walk into the room and see Ishtar laying on a bed.

"Come to say goodbye?" She asks weakly as I smile at her.

"No Ishtar. I'm here to save your life." I say and grab a scalpel from the table. "I'm sorry you have to see this." I say and she gains a terrified look as I slash my wrist deeply.

"Grey!" She says in shock as I growl in pain. Blood drips onto the ground, I take my other hand, and begin using my blood to write symbols all over the wall. "What are you doing?!" She asks and I look at her.

"Stop talking and let me focus." I growl and she immediately goes quiet. After writing all over the walls, I move to writing on Ishtar, and we look into each other's eyes. "There." I say weakly as I had used a lot of blood. I use fire magic to cauterize the wound and kneel down beside her bed.

"Grey." She says and I bow my head as I put my hands together.

"Grandmother Nyx heed my call, and drive this plague from the sibling I love. I pray to thee thy Mother of Night to cleanse my sister and save her life!" I say and rise up before putting my palm on her forehead. Ishtar gasps loudly as the blood slowly begins entering her body. I watched as a black and purple liquid flows out of her mouth. As the blood fully enters her body the weird liquid disappears.

"Grey." Ishtar says and this time she sounds much healthier.

"How do you feel sister?" I ask panting slightly and she smiles as tears enter her eyes.

"Amazing. I don't feel any pain anymore!" She cheers and begins to cry. I hug her closely as everyone walks in. I pet her hair gently as she cries.

"Grey." Omega says and I smile at him.

"She's fine." I say before the Head Summoner walks in.

"We have a problem." They say and point to the window. I walk towards the window and growl lowly.

"Grey?" Ishtar says as Omega sits next to her.

"It's Kali. She's here with her army, and I'm sure I know what she wants." I say as Kali glares right at me.

"I have come for you Grey!" Kali screams using magic so we all can hear her. "No one else has to die or get hurt!" She screams and the kids walk up to me.

"What are you going to do big brother?" Izanami asks and I kneel in front of them.

"I'm going to give her what she wants. I won't risk any of you, and no one will die because of me." I say and pat her head.

"Hell no! That's suicide!" JD yells and I sigh.

"I'm sorry." I say and put them in a temporary pocket dimension. This will give me enough time to get the barrier up, and then they'll be safe.

"Grey no! Let me fight with you!" Ishtar begs and I look at her.

"Ishtar...please look after my kids for me. I'm sorry but as the Alpha...I will protect my pack." I say and she begins to cry.

"But as foxes we fight in a pack! We fight together so that we can protect each other!" She cries and I walk up to her.

"I love you Ishtar." I say and give her my amethyst necklace. "See you later." I say and leave to confront Kali and her army. I have fulfilled my promise and now I will have my revenge. I walk past everyone who gets ready for war, but when I walk past the courtyard, a massive barrier covers the school, and I smile at the sun in the sky. "This is it. Either she dies or I die." I whisper as clouds begin to roll in, thunder booms loudly, and lightning crackles around the clouds.

-So there we have it everyone! Jinx blamed herself the whole time Grey was hurt. Grey reassures her that no matter what he loves her. I bet you guys were expecting a lemon between them. Grey studies the book as Jinx cuddles with him. Ishtar blames herself for getting Grey hurt, but that pushes her body over the limit, and her disease finally attacks her major organs. As all seemed helpless for her Grey actually found the ritual. By using his own blood he was able to cleanse her body. But why did he pray to Nyx? What does the Primordial Goddess of the Night have to do with this? Does this explain who the Judge is? Anyway Grey decides he's going to give Kali exactly what she wants...him. Will everyone be able to break out of the pocket dimension in time?! Someone get Grey some back up! Wait... what's going on with his eyes?-

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