Siena, Italy (Tuesday, June 11th, 2019)

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Siena, Italy (Tuesday, June 11th, 2019)

Calum sat on the girl's bed, his feet flat on the floor. His hands were folded in his lap, his thumbs tapping against each other to keep him entertained. Ashton walked around their room, trying to pack what they needed for the day. He tried not to stumble over them, because he had quite the tendency to do so. His size thirteen feet were much different than their size thirteen feet. 

Bella pulled a rainbow-striped shirt from her bag then light washed denim shorts. "What do you think, Dad?" She asked, holding the outfit in front of her tiny body. 

Cal turned his head, looking at the three-("Almost four!")-year-old. "Are your black shorts in the wash? I think those would—."

"Hey," Ash interrupted, "Let her pick out her outfits." He pointed a finger at Cal, the older boy's mom-persona coming in once more. Ashton had tendencies to switch into a typical housewife kind of personality at times. 

"She asked for my opinion!" Calum defended. 

Ashton picks up a book that laid neatly on top of their diaper bag (Ashton was proud to say the girls are officially potty trained now), he threw the item at Calum, "Turn to page 65."

Calum rolled his eyes. He made an annoyed, yet 'silly', face at Ivona before turning the pages. The quieter Hood girl giggled as she slid on a white tee shirt that was once Michael's before getting shrunk ten sizes in the wash (thanks, Luke). 

Cal turned to the right page, finding almost every word highlighted. "What am I supposed to be looking at?"

"It clearly says to let them make their own decisions." Ashton was wandering in and out of the room, packing certain items in bags and bringing the girls accessories. 

"Then why aren't you letting them pack their day-bags and put on their shoes?" Calum asked, closing the book and putting it to the side. He leant forward, reaching out his hands and pulling Ivona into his lap. He tickled her, letting giggles ring through the air. 

"Daddy, I think Dad is being a meany to you," Bella called after Ashton, who was already in the bathroom grabbing a dark purple headband for Iv. 

Ash smiled at the small girl following him around their hotel suite. "Thank you, Sweetie, I noticed." He stood in front of Calum and Ivona, helping the little girl push her hair out of her face before sliding on the headband. He looked up at Cal, "We'll talk about this later." The way he said the last word sent chills down Calum's back, he knew he was in shit now.

Calum's dark brown eyes followed Ashton out of the room. He leant down to Ivona's ear, whispering a quick, "I think I'm in trouble."

Iv giggled and nodded her head ferociously, "Daddy is mad at you." He flipped her onto her back, his legs hanging over his thighs. He began tickling her stomach, causing an outburst of laughter to fly from her mouth. Calum loved to see his princess' smile and laugh. He loved their scrunched up faces, the crinkles around their beautiful, hazel eyes. 

"Calum, stop! She needs to get dressed!" Ashton half-yelled as he walked back into the room. 

Cal stopped tickling her, sitting her up before placing her on the ground. "You're no fun," he pouted. 

Ivona continued to get dressed. She slid on mini black denim jeans with holes in the knees. She was a punk rock child, quite the opposite as Bella. Bella was more precious, her own style filled with bright colors and frilly dresses. Even though they were almost opposites, they were perfect in their parents' eyes. 

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