(Thursday, November 14th, 2019) +

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(Thursday, November 14th, 2019) +

Michael and Luke stood behind the two girls in their guest bathroom, making sure they didn't, like, choke on a toothbrush or something. Luke leant his head against Michael as the two girls danced around to the music playing from the wireless speakers.

Music was always playing in the Hemmings-Cliffford household. Michael was proud of the fact Bella knew every work to Kobra Kai Never Dies by early The 1975, though. Ashton got mad every time she belted 'Cause nobody gives a fuck about you', but do it for the punk.

"Okay, we got pajamas, teeth brushed, hair brushed, what else do we need to do?" Michael asked.

"I think that's it," Luke stated as he tried to remember their three months of traveling where he would put them to bed almost every night.

Bella jumped up and down, "Story time!" She held onto Michael's hand tight, dragging him out of the en suite bathroom and into the room they'd be stayed for the night.

The blonde girl jumped on the tall bed, almost falling back off if it wasn't for the help of her maybe-sort-of-uncle. He tucked her in, sitting on the end of the bed.

Ivona looked up at Luke, batting her large eyes. "It's too early."

Luke smiled down at her. "I've been ready to go to bed since I woke up this morning."

Calum pressed Ashton against their front door, a smile on his lips as he leaned in once more. He attached their lips, dragging out his boyfriend's lower lip. "We have one night to ourselves, I've been hard for hours, can we please, just—?"

Ashton giggled, "We are literally an old married couple." He grabbed the soft, tan hand of his lover, dragging him up the stairs.

Cal reached out, cupping his bum. "This is nice."

Ashton swatted him away as he pushed him into their bedroom. He held the seam of his shirt, crossing his arms to pull the material over his head. He unbuttoned his jeans, sliding them to their wood floor.

Calum arched his hips, wiggling out of all clothes restraining him from behind inside the love of his life. He held out his arms, pulling Ashton on top of him. His fingers grabbed the warm skin, rubbing his hands up and down Ash's torso. "I hope you know you're beautiful."

Ashton giggled as he leant down, kissing the younger man softly. He started to get a rhythm moving with his hips, grinding his body down on Calum's hardening length.

Cal's hands wandered over the lovely skin of his partner. Flaws and all, Ashton was drop dead gorgeous. In Calum's eyes, at least.

The dark-haired boy opened his legs more, letting Ash fit perfectly between them. Ashton's hands laid flat on Calum's broad chest, his nails digging into his skin and leaving raised vermillion lines.

Michael's eyes were falling lower and lower as he tried to finish the chapter of the book they were reading. He looked up, both girls, Taco, and Luke were sound asleep.
Mike placed a bookmark in the book, closing the paper-bound cover and placing it on top of their over-night bag. He kicked Luke softly, pushing him until his blue eyes opened once more.

"Can we go to bed?" He whispered.

Luke rolled onto his back, rubbing at his eyes. His hand fell to his side, petting the cat at Ivona's feet. "This bed is so soft," he whispered, "Why don't we sleep in here?"

Michael let out a laugh as he stood up and stretched out his back. He yawned as he made his way over to Luke, grabbing his hand and helping him up. "Let's get you and my four other princesses asleep."

"So many princesses," Luke said with a yawn, "So many."

Calum pinned Ashton's hands above his head, he was sure it'd leave a nasty bruise as it hit against the backboard. He thrusted into his partner, going deep and hard. Ash let out a string of explicits as their hips met in the middle. It was nice—for just one night—to be able to be as loud as they pleased. The neighbors could probably hear them.

He tilted his head back against their pillows, his mouth open wide as his sensitive body tried to hold on. "So fucking good, so fucking—." He yelled out as Cal thrusted in again, his pace quickening.

Calum could feel sweat lining his forehead as he leant down, kissing the side of Ashton's mouth. His right hand was supporting his body as his left held Ash's slim wrists. "Keep going, keep going," he whispered.

Ashton raised his hips off of their mattress, grinding his own member against Calum. He yelled out again, his breaths matching the rocking of their bed springs. "I'm coming," he panted, "Fuck, Cal."

Hot spurts released from Ashton, going over their flushed stomachs. Calum let go of Ashton's hands, all energy in his body going into his rough thrusts. He hit that spot in Ashton over, and over, and over again. The brunette bit down on his lip, pulling the skin as his body didn't have time to cool down.

Calum's forehead fell to Ashton's chest as he began to release in the boy. He whined out, his lips pecking at Ash's chest. He continued to kiss the boy as he pulled out, not wanting his high to be ruined by sore feelings.

Ashton panted, licking over his dry lips. "So good," he repeated, "Fuck."

Calum laughed as he laid on top of Ashton. His lips met the rough feeling of his stubble. "You're everything I need," Cal whispered.

Luke cuddled into Michael's chest. "You're so good to me," he whispered.

Michael's hands rans up and down Luke's back. "You deserve the best.

"I love you," Luke told his husband.

"I love you, Princess," Michael leant over, kissing Luke's lips. He rubbed his hands over the four babies, "You guys, too."

Cal rolled off of him once he regained normal heart rate. "I love you."

"I think I love you more," Ashton answered.

(a/n) i hate to break it to you guys, but i need to slow down my updates. i'm going back to my every other day updates for all my books. i'm losing reads because people can't catch up, and i'm overwhelming myself. 

hope you guys don't hate me. 

xo, soph

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