(Thursday, August 29th, 2019)

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(Thursday, August 29th, 2019)

Luke stood up, rushing to the first story bathroom quickly. His head made its way to the once clean toilet bowl, letting out the contents of his breakfast out.

Michael put down the hot omelette he was about to begin eating, quickly following Luke into the bathroom. He stood over him, holding back the sweaty blonde fringe that laid upon his forehead. "Shit, okay. You're okay, you're okay," he repeated.

Luke sat up, making a disgusted face. "They don't like eggs." He stood on, grabbing his husband's arm to steady his feet.

"Are you okay, now?"

He shrugged, "I felt fine. Apparently, they didn't." Luke raised his pajama shirt, looking at his tummy. "Why don't they like eggs? I like eggs, why am I suffering?"

Michael laughed, reaching out a finger and poking his stomach. "I don't think that's what morning sickness is, Princess."

He shrugged his shoulders before drifting back into the living room. "They're growing, I can feel it."

Mike followed him out, grabbing his breakfast off the kitchen counter and sitting on the couch opposite from Luke. "That's some science fiction shit. I'm creeped out."

Luke inhaled, catching whiff of the omelette once more. He sat straight up, covering his mouth. He made it back to the toilet just in time. "Fuck!" He screamed out in agony. "Get rid of that, now!"

Michael pouted, looking down at the cooked egg and spices he really want to enjoy. "Fine, fine." He took a large bite before putting it into the garbage.

Luke wiped at his mouth, hating the dry, bitter taste filling his taste buds. He stood up once more, flushing the toilet and closing the seat. He began washing his hands, catching sight of his battered reflection in the mirror. He looked tired, he looked overwhelmed. He was tired, he was overwhelmed.

He made his way back to the living room, collapsing on the couch for the third time that hour. He scanned the room for any possible scent the babies could affect.

Michael sat down, an energy bar in his hands this time. "Do they hate these, too? Can I just not eat anymore? Should I starve to death? Would that make them happy?" He bantered in a loving way, but still deserved the glare the blonde shot his way.

"Not funny, I can't control them."

Mike stood up, patting Luke's legs and making him move. He rested on their plush couch, taking Luke's lanky legs and putting them over his thighs once more. "So, I've got to get downtown for a writing session," he changed topics, "Do you think you'll be okay?"

"Duh, I'm a grown man. I'm fine." He reached out his hands, grabbing for the mint chocolate energy bar in Michael's hands.

The younger boy broke off the end, handing it to the hungry boy. "Are you sure? I don't want you to vomit on everything I love."

"Mike!" Luke whined, "I'm perfectly okay now. They just didn't like what we had."

Michael kind of liked the sound of they. More than one. They were having more than one child and that did not freak him out at all. He didn't think he could be this excited. Mike knew they were going to get pregnant at one point or another, and he figured he'd be petrified.

He never imagined having twins, triplets, or more. Now that he knows that the belly of his lover is carrying their little genetics, he's excited. He's really, really, really excited.

Michael looked down at Luke. He was munching on the small pieces of his second (maybe third) breakfast. His blue eyes weren't focusing on anything, just zoning out as he stared at his pale hands.

Luke's belly was growing, it was growing extremely fast. He was almost seven weeks in but he was very noticeable. The bump stuck out, making his skin stretch underneath. Michael was glad that Luke couldn't see the skin around his hipbones anymore, he may start crying when he sees the swelled marks.

Luke cries a lot. Even before he was pregnant, he would cry often. Now with his hormones sky-rocketing through the roof, he was a mess. A crying, sobbing, blubbery mess.

Michael came out of his haze, quickly checking the time on his phone. "I've gotta get going. Do you need anything?"

"Food and vomit bowl?" Luke asked. He was licking over his teeth, trying to grab the chocolate from his breakfast. "Can you buy those milk chocolate bars on your way home, too?"

Michael stood up, already headed towards their pantry looking for mild food. "Didn't I just get you some a few days ago?"

"I was really hungry last night."

"Jesus, Luke," Mike chuckled. He leant down, pulling all the crackers and peanut butter and jello the blonde boy could possibly handle. He stacked the containers around his arms as he reached to grab a silver bowl as well. "Are you gonna lay on the couch all day?"

"Probably," Luke responded, "I love this couch."

The blue-haired musician opened each container and laid them out on the coffee table in front of him. "Are Ash and the girls coming over today?"

"The girls started Kindergarten, so Ashton is lonely. He'll probably come over." Luke reached out, grabbing a carton of jello and spoon. "When will you be back?"

"I'm not sure." Michael leant down, leaning a smooch on his forehead. "Before dinner, I might stop by around lunch if I can."

Luke nodded, blowing him a kiss as he grabbed his back pack, guitar, and keys. "I love you."

"Love you, too. Please don't throw up on everything I love, please."

Luke flipped him off, but still waved goodbye from their living room window.

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