Florence, Italy (Wednesday, June 12th, 2019)

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Florence, Italy (Wednesday, June 12th, 2019)

Ashton stood by Luke's side in the dressing rooms as they watched the girls color together. "They're talking more and more, especially Bella. I'm kind of worried the Ivona doesn't talk much."

Luke shooed him off, "She's just more quiet. Nothing wrong with that."

"When Cal was babysitting them last night, the girls were doing something rude, I forgot what, but we made rules for them. 'No means no, and stop means stop', is the only rules we have for now. I figured it's the best we can do," Ashton explained.

The younger blonde put a hand to his heart, "That's so cute."

"Just try to enforce it if one of them does something mean to the other." Ash kissed his girls on their heads before leaving to assist Calum. 

Luke laid on the floor like every night, coloring in their coloring books and complimenting their drawings. He understands why Ash tears up so much, looking at them growing up every day makes Luke start to cry. He holds his back, trying to be the adult in this situation. "So, how are you two doing?" He colored in the cartoon sun on Ivona's page, he admired the way she drew in her own sun rays after feeling there were not merely enough. 

"My face hurts. Daddy says it's because I didn't put on sunblock," Bell confessed. 

Luke smiled at her high-pitched voice discovering the way sun burns her skin. "Yeah, that happens to me, too. How about you, Iv? How are you feeling?"

She shrugged her shoulders, not looking up from her coloring page. 

"Why is Uncle Mikey on stage?" Bella asked. She sat up, her legs underneath her body.

"It's his job, he plays music and then people enjoy it," Luke answered. He was hoping to not get into an eighty minute conversation with Bella consisting of only 'Why' over and over again. It seemed to be her thing, she just really liked answers.

"Why aren't you on stage?" 

"I'm not too good at the whole singing thing."

"I hear you and Mikey sing a lot, I think you're really good." She crawled over to Luke, sitting on his back with her arms around his neck. "What does Dad do?"

Luke turned his head, seeing the small girl in his side vision. Her legs were on either side of his upper back as she rested her head on top of Luke's quiffed hair. "He does all the photos for Mikey, and for other people, but mostly Michael."

"How does he do that?"

Luke put his crayons down as he rolled onto his back. He lifted Bella up, putting her in the air like an airplane. He bent his knees and rested her on his hips, they were now looking at each other as the blonde boy continued to answer her. "He has all that big gear, and he makes Michael look good."

"Do you think Mikey is pretty?"

"I think he's gorgeous, much like you." Luke booped her nose, causing the little girl to do the same to him. 

"Why does Daddy help Dad?"

"Why are you asking so many questions?" Luke asked, a smile upon his lips again. He always seemed to be smiling around the girls. "Ashton helps him scout out and make sure his wireless cameras that take crowd photos and such are working." 

"Why do you spend so much time with us?" Bella asked. 

Luke prayed this game was almost over. "I'm supposed to make sure you two don't set anything on fire."

"Oh," she answered. Bella crawled back to her drawing pad, picking up crayons and continuing her art like nothing even happened. 

Luke rolled back onto his stomach, his head resting in his hands. "I heard you guys have some new rules."

"They're stupid," Bella said.

"It's important though, even when you're big and grown up. Your daddies are teaching you very good lessons, you should listen to them."

The twins shrugged on cue, not really listening. Talking to three-year-olds is only a step up from a brick wall.

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