(Thursday, July 11th, 2019) +

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(Thursday, July 11th, 2019) +

Luke woke up as a moan escaped his own mouth. He opened his eyes, gripping the sheets as his sensitive body over stimulated. Michael was bending over him, his hands wrapped around Luke's semi-hard member. "Holy shit, baby," Luke whined.

Mike kissed his happy trail, "Happy birthday, Princess."

Luke spread his legs, his hands grabbing onto the blue locks he's loved for so long. He scratched at the scalp, puling Michael back down to where he needed his lips. Mike had perfect lips, they were soft and skilled.

Michael took Luke's tip in, soft sighs leaving his partner's mouth every few breaths. He let his tongue slide over the skin, taking in the taste of Luke.

His hands stayed firm on the blonde's hips, his fingers etching deeply into the skin. Luke thrusted his lower half, getting himself deep inside of Luke's mouth. This was the closest Luke will ever feel to being a top.

Michael took him in more, readjusting his body to take the older boy's large length. He looks up, his green eyes ravaging his flushed husband. He takes a step back, flicking his tongue over the tip once more to see how he'll react.

The pale boy's back arches from the sheets, a louder groan falling deep within his throat. Mike pushes him back now, knowing how much he loves certain feelings. They're a very intimate couple, they knew that from having their first fuck on their first date. They know what each other like and don't like, they know the right spots and wrong spots.

Luke lets out a moan, his grip on Mike's scalp tightening as he pushes him down. Luke's head is thrown back into the pillow, his hips bucking into Mike's mouth and throat. Michael takes him in easily.

He experiments with the underside of Luke's member, knowing there's one spot that'll drive him insane. His bottom teeth scratches over a thick vein, and Luke screams out in pleasure. Michael knows he has a thing for pain. Kinky.

Mike gags slightly before adjusting himself one more. He relaxes his body as spit is falling from the side of his mouth. He lingers towards the base as Luke lets out the deepest, longest moan yet.

Michael pulls off, steadying his breath. He keeps his hands on Luke, bobbing his fingers tightly around him. Luke is panting as he feels he's about to explode. His mouth lays open, his eyes closed tight. He's shaking with anticipation as he starts to thrust his own hips the opposite direction as Mike.

The younger boy leans down again, taking him in his mouth at the right time. Luke quickly releases, whining moans of Michael's name leaving his every available breath. His hands fall to Michael's ears, chin, then finally lay rested upon his own lower stomach. He's not sure if he's exhausted because it's ten in the morning or because his husband has the perfect mouth.

Mike pulls off of him, leaving a kiss around the warm skin. He pulls up the neon green briefs that were laying around Luke's ankles, leaving him covered again. "You're so fucking gay," Mike says, snapping the waistband of his bright choice of underwear.

"You literally just sucked me off, I'm pretty sure you're gay, too." Luke held out his arms, letting Mike fall perfectly in between the space. His head rested on Luke's beating heart, his arm wrapped tight around his hips.

"Bro, you married a dude, you're so gay," Mike responded. He looked up at Luke, a stupid smile upon his lips.

Luke laughed, "Bro, you like long walks in the sunset on the beach, that's so gay."

"Bro, you like dicks inside of you, that's so gay."

"I do not like dicks as in plural. I just like your dick."

Michael sat up, rolling upon Luke's crotch. He always surprised Luke with his sudden bursts of energy. "Bro, that's so gay." He leant down, pecking all over Luke's face. "You're so gay," he laughed, Mike still kissing his husband's face.

Luke could never catch up with him, mentally nor physically. He'd try to kiss him back, and Mike would already be on the other side of his face. They'd be having a serious conversation about life, and Mike would tell him how homosexual of him that sounds. "Slow down, baby."

Michael rolled off of him once more, cuddling into his chest. "I love you, Lukey."

"I love you, too."

Michael sighed. "Are you in the mood to have a serious conversation?"

"I'm always in the mood for a serious conversation."

Mike laughed before sitting up once more. He was sometimes like a disgraced squirrel, his mind always running two thousand miles a minute. Luke grew up with two brothers with pretty normal cases of ADHD, and Luke would constantly diagnose Michael with the overly-hyper disorder. He could tell Mike was undiagnosed ADHD by his incapability to focus, his want to bother other people, his constant need to move around.

Michael crossed his legs, playing with the dark blue material of his boxers. "So, Daddy Ashton yelled at me last night, and I promised him I'd talk to you about it."

"Talk to me about Ash yelling at you?" Luke crossed his ankles over each other as he sat up higher in their bed. He looked at his partner with his bright blue eyes.

"Talk to you about the whole kid thing. I guess I've been pretty shitty about it."

Luke didn't want to agree, he didn't want Michael to ever feel bad about himself. "I don't know, it's the only issue we have that's been hanging over our heads for a bit. I feel like we've been having this conversation since we fucked on my sofa four years ago."

Mike laughed before returning to his serious persona. "You know I don't really want to have kids, but I want to make you happy. I will go to the ends of the Earth to make you happy, babe, you know that. If that's what you want, then of course I'll gladly penetrate you."

Luke rolled his eyes. "I just don't want to add a human into this world if they're not going to be fully loved and card for. By both of us. I'd rather suffer than them."

Michael nodded. He understood exactly what Luke was saying. Both men were lucky enough to grow up in a home with two loving parents, they were lucky, and they know not everyone is. "I will love them the same way I love you. Okay, maybe not the same love because that's really weird. But, you know what I mean. I'll love them and care for them and do all I can to make their lives worth living."

"Don't make it so cynical," Luke laughed it off, yet he still felt hurt in his heart. He knew Michael was sad for a long amount of time, he knew it by the words he spoke, by the lines he sung, and by the tattoos on his skin. He knew Mike spent a lot of time in his head, and he was stuck in a war zone he didn't want to be in.

It makes Luke a little sad when Mike gets too deep in his head again. He never wants to see the love of his life to lose the light from his eyes, again.

Luke held out his arms, pulling Michael into his arms. He rested his head on top of his husband's, trying not to be a weakling and cry. "Will having kids make you become sad again?"

"No, of course not. Don't worry about me."

"I'm going to worry about you," Luke responded. He held Michael closer, wrapping his arms around the warm body. He rubbed his fingers into the skin. "I can never imagine a single day without you. I know you're trying to make me happy, but I'm trying to make you happy."

Mike kissed at Luke's chest. "We'll always be okay, don't stress yourself out."
Just as Michael gets lost in this thoughts, Luke does, too.

"Are you gonna write another sad song about me?"

Michael nodded, "Always." He smiled again, Luke always made him smile.




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