(Thursday, September 26th, 2019)

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(Thursday, September 26th, 2019)

Michael stepped out of the studio, shaking out his greasy hair and sliding a beanie over top once more. "I've gotta take a break and make sure Luke is headed to his appointment. Is it an okay time for a long lunch break?" He asked his sound engineer.

"Yeah, right now would be the perfect time," the engineer responded.

Mike patted his back, telling him he'll be back by 2. He picked up his backpack from the corner and began putting his shoes back on. He had a thing for taking his shoes off when they needed to get work done. Especially the long days as the release of the album came closer.

Michael was constantly under pressure from the record labels. Each album had to top the last, but it gets hard when each sore so high. He's worried one will flop and end his career. This is all the blue-haired boy has. One the music is over, he has nothing.

He stepped into his car, closing the door and firing the ignition. He started up the AUX cord, screaming out the lyrics to Johnny Boy by Twenty One Pilots.

Michael wishes he could be like Tyler and Josh of his favorite band. He wishes he could pull off the white boy rapping and the electricity of the live shows. But, he can't. It's just not the type of musician he is. He never knows what to do with his body, his hands, his voice. He is fine hiding behind his guitar.

Thirty minutes later, Michael pull into their gated community. He drives to their house, seeing Luke's car still in the driveway. He parks behind it, turning off the engine as he figured he'd have to drive Luke himself.

He entered their garage, calling Luke's name once the door opened. "You're supposed to be there by now!"

Luke peaked his head from their kitchen. He was sitting on the counter, a cat by his side. He petted the white fur, his blue eyes wide. He froze for a solid minute before continuing to pet the cat.

"Why is there a cat?" Michael bluntly asked.

Luke bit his lip. "Well, I was on the internet, and I saw a photo of a really fat cat. I mean, like, really fat cat. So, I went to the Rescue Village down the block, and found one like it. And adopted it."

Michael tired to hide his laughter. Only Luke. "Did you really just impulsively adopt a cat?"

"Look at her!" Luke picked up the soft cat, placing her on his lap. "Her name is Taco."

"You named our cat Taco?" Michael stepped forward, placing his hand out and letting Taco smell his hand. The cat rubbed her face against Michael's hand, purring lightly.

"Apparently, they found her outside of Taco Bell, so, yeah. I figured she'd be perfect for us. Junk food. Fat cats. Right?" Luke ran his fingers over her fur as she purred louder. "She also sounds like a dying engine when she purrs. She likes cuddles and human food."

Michael nodded as he finally let out a line of laughter. "I can't believe you seriously adopted a cat."

"Are you mad?"

Mike took out his phone, grabbing at artsy angle of Taco on Luke's lap to send out to social media. "No, I'm just—," he paused, looking up at Luke. He had a smile upon his lips, dimples poking through. "I'm so hopelessly in love with you."

"Does this mean I don't have to go to my doctor's appointment?"

Michael held out his hand, helping Luke and his large belly from the kitchen counter. "Nope, we're still going."

"Mikey!" Luke whined, "They always take blood from me or stab me with shots. It's traumatic!"

Michael kissed Taco's forehead before dragging Luke out the door. "I know, your life sucks ass."

"Please suck my ass."

Michael furrowed his eyebrows, chuckling at his husband. "Okay, Baby. Maybe later." He helped Luke into the passenger seat of their Range Rover. ("I can do it by myself! I'm a big boy!")

He got into the drivers seat. Closing their garage and buckling his seat before pulling back into their neighborhood road. He placed his hand on Luke's belly. "This is amazing."



Luke laughed. He placed his hand on top of Michael's, moving it over to where the babies stuck out most. "They're growing so fast, it's so exhausting."

"How many do you think there are?"

"Two," Luke answered. "I can't handle any more than that, don't you dare say anything higher than two."

"Maybe it's just one baby with like four hearts." Michael fumbled around the seat pockets until he found his sunglasses. He slid the plastic over his nose, blocking his light eyes from the bight sun.

He slowed in typical LA traffic, taking glances and smiling at his beautiful husband.

"That would be petrifying, go away," Luke said.

"We're in the middle of the highway, I can't really go away," Michael responded.

"Were you that really annoying kid in seventh grade that said stupid answers are every sarcastic comment?"

"That is still me, Luke."

Luke rolled his eyes, a smile still upon his lips. He's said it one million times, he'll probably say it one million more: Luke loves Michael.

(a/n) *accidentally adopts a cat*

baby, I'll show you the world [muke af]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat