Ocean City, Maryland (Monday, July 1st, 2019)

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Ocean City, Maryland (Monday, July 1st, 2019) 

Ashton bounced a crying Bella on his knees, trying to shush her. They were definitely annoying everyone in first class, most likely everyone on the practically infinite plane. His large hands cradled her the same way he did when she was born. He pressed his lips to her forehead, trying to calm the toddler. 

Calum looked across the aisle at Ashton and Bella, deciding if he should get involved. They were supposed to land at any moment, their third fight of the day really knocking out the patience of their two daughters. 

Ivona looked up at her father, blinking her eyelids. "Home?"

"Not yet, baby girl," Cal answered, reaching over their seats to boop her sloped nose. She smiled before getting comfortable in her seat once more. Cal leant down, helping her slide on her mini Vans that Luke most likely bought for them in a fit of impulse. ("They need to be punk rock.")

Ivona reached down herself, tying the laces slowly, her hands shaking. "I can do this." She did indeed manage to knot them several times, not tie them. 

Michael rolled his eyes as he leant in next to Luke. "That's why we are not having kids," he said, connecting their hands. 

Bella's screams got worse as the plane started to descend. Luke understood what she was going through, a long day of flights was miserable, especially oversea ones. "I will dump your ass and find a baby daddy."

"I dare you."

Ashton gave Calum pleading eyes from across the aisle. The pregnant man was fatigued and his head ached. He was trying so hard not to lash out at his annoyed daughter. Cal reached his hands over Ivona, grabbing Bella from his lover's hands. 

He rested her in his lap, making faces and blowing air on her face. He tickled the bottom of her feet and pulled at the ends of her hair until the tears welled up. Cal left kisses all over her face, the whole plane seemed to sigh when a giggle left from her lips. 

He rocked her back and forth, letting her look out the window at the ocean right next to the landing strip. "We're in Maryland, now," he told both girls. Cal brought Bella closer to his lap, giving Ivona the chance to look out the window, too. 

He knew how it felt to not be the favorite, he never, ever wanted any of his children to feel like he or Ash loved one more than the other. Growing up, Calum couldn't understand why his parents treated his sister like royalty. She was what they always talked about, bragged about, anything. It made him feel pretty shitty. He vowed at the young age of twelve that he would never treat his future children like that. Never, ever, ever. Even for the small things. 

Ashton had his eyes closed and jaw clenched as the plane hit the ground with a few bumps. His index finger and thumb squeezed at his nose bridge as he tried to control his breaths. He truly felt awful. 

Calum lifted up his camera bag out from under the seat in front of them, he did the awkward-half-stand thing with Bella in his hands as he waited for the flight attendant to allow them to grab their bags. "Can you get Iv?" Cal asked to Ashton. 

"Can one of you grab Ivona?" Ashton asked Michael and Luke. His arms were leaning over their seats. "I'm seriously about to throw up."

"Ew, go. I'll grab your stuff and daughter," Luke offered. 

The second that door opened, Ashton was flying out of it. 

Luke first climbed over Michael, reaching his hand out to Ivona before anyone could get in their way. He grabbed the carry-on bag that Ashton left, then reached up to the overheads. 

Mike grabbed his own, plus Luke's, plus Ashton's overhead bags. One of their security guards helped him out before their large group was finally ready to leave the plane. Ivona's heavy head rested on Luke's shoulder, the up and down motion of his large steps sending her straight to sleep. Her arms became loose around his neck, and Luke felt bad for the wiped out toddler. They've never quite experienced such a stressful day. 

Michael chatted mindlessly with a few crew members as they made their way to baggage claim. Their flight was filled with baggage, mostly because of Michael. They needed a lot to put on a show every night. 

The blue-haired boy tossed the bags in a pile on the ground to go meet the fans in line. Luke continued to rock Ivona back and forth, hoping she was in a comfortable sleep. Calum sat down on a nearby bench with Bella, worriedly waiting for his boyfriend to return. Bella crawled out of his lap and sat next to him, her arms crossed.

A sigh of relief left all of their mouths, it felt good to be in America again.

"Breadstick! Come here, watch the girls," Cal yelled towards Luke. It's been ten minutes, and Ash hadn't returned. Almost all of their luggage was filled up on three carts, and they were ready to get to the hotel. 

The blonde boy made his way to the metal bench, still dancing to a beat in his head with sleeping Ivona. He was definitely one of those people who had elevator music in their heads at all time. 

Ashton had all color drained from his face as he met Calum be the security check in. He collapsed into his lover's arms as he began to cry. "I'm in so much fucking pain." He covered his eyes, wiping the tears away.

Calum rubbed circles on his back. "I'm sorry, today was rough." He wrapped his hands tighter around Ashton, holding him the same way he was holding Bella. Cal rested his chin on top of Ash's head, hoping his embrace would make the older man feel better.

"This is so much worse than I ever was with the twins. Fuck, I'm in for such a fucking ride."

Calum has never heard Ashton swear as much as he was currently. "We're headed to the hotel, you can sleep off jet lag for the rest of the night. I can do the show by myself tonight."

Ash felt bad. Calum did everything for him. He was the best lover anyone could ever ask for, and he didn't want to ever take advantage of that. 

"Is Daddy okay?" Bella asked. She stood up on Luke's thighs. He cringed at the pain she caused him. When she was a little thing, barely able to stand, it didn't hurt. But she was growing every day, and her shoes weren't the softest thing. 

He helped her sit back down. "Well, your baby sibling might be causing him some pain. We've gotta be extra nice to him for the next few months."

Bell nodded. "Why is he crying? Only babies cry."

"I'm not sure, let's just leave him be for a bit. I think we all need a nap time." Luke rocked her back and forth with one hand as he held Ivona's hand with the opposite one. This was literally his job. He was supposed to make sure the kids were alright when he was in LA at the preschool and when he was on tour with the twins. 

Michael came back when everything was in their many SUVs outside. 

The Hoods collapsed in their hotel room, and the Cliffords collapsed in theirs. "Twenty-two hours. We were traveling for twenty-two hours," Mike sighed. His stomach was against the sheets, his head pressed deep into the soft pillows.

Luke crawled on top of his relaxed body. He straddled his lover's waist, his hands pressing into the tight muscles. "At least we have a few hours here."

"I don't want to perform. I never thought I'd say that, but I'm so wiped out." Michael felt on there verge of tears, everyone around him was crying, he figured it was his time, too.

"I know, baby, I know." Luke kissed the space between his shoulder blades. 

It started with Bella cuddling with Ashton. She knew Ash was sad, and she knew cuddles made him happy. Ivona joined in next, making herself into a cat as she curled herself into a ball at Ashton's feet. When Cal walked in to their bedroom, he was astonished at how fast his family managed to start and end a cuddle session. Three separate bodies were snoring, Ash much louder. 

Calum made himself comfortable, wrapping his arm around Bella who was laying on top of Ashton. 

The Hoods really loved each other. Calum liked being surrounded by his family, he needed nothing more in life. 

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