(Thursday, February 6th, 2020)

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(Thursday, February 6th, 2020)

Michael sits on their bed, his stomach flat on the mattress. He scrolls through his phone, trying to occupy his time as he waits for his husband to join him in bed.

Jet lag has not been a good friend to him. At 10 PM, it feels closer to 4 in the morning. He would gladly tuck himself into the sheets next to his grumpy cat and slip into a very fast and very deep slumber. But, he feels like he owes Luke. Michael feels that after all the many nights Luke had to fall asleep alone, the least Mike could do was stay up a few extra minutes for him.

Luke was Michael's trophy, and Luke liked being Michael's trophy.

Groans of annoyance were heard from their en suite bathroom as Michael furrowed his eyebrows. Luke sat on the side of their bathtub, a razor in hand. He couldn't reach his ankles. The hair that grew so fast finally got to him and he just couldn't handle it.

Mike stood up, knocking on the closed bathroom door. "You okay in there?"

"Fuck hair," Luke grumbled back. Shaving was pretty much yoga in the shower with razor blades. The blonde tried to curl up his leg, hoping to reach it that way.

"Can I come in?"

Luke bit his lip in concentration as he tried to shave the lower half of his right leg. "Fuck me in the ass!" He yelled when he nicked his ankle.

"Okay, I'm coming in now." Michael opened the door, revealing his naked husband trying to shave his body.

Mike let out a laugh and turned off the running stream of hot water. He sat on the opposite side of their large, oval tub, trying to stop the laughter leaving his mouth. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to be pretty but this big ass stomach is in my way," Luke stated. He kneeled himself down into the warm water, rinsing off his failed attempt at shaving.

"Baby, you don't need to do that." Michael rolled up his sweatpants to his knees as the water rose with Luke's weight. "Ever. I promise you."

"I want to, though." Luke moved himself closer to Michael, his head resting on the side next to his partner's knee. The warm water buried his body comfortably and took some pressure off his back.

"You can let yourself go while these girls are in your way. Or, you can let yourself go forever. I think you're pretty no matter what you do or don't do." Michael reached down, running his fingers through the top of Luke's hair. He brushed the strands from his eyes, feeling over his warm forehead.

Luke shrugged his shoulders. "I just don't want to be ugly, you know?"

"You will never be ugly, Baby. No matter what you do, you will always be my beautiful baby boy."

Luke couldn't stop the tears from falling. These days, he was never able to stop himself from crying. It felt like every time Michael even breathed in Luke's direction, the boy would be in tears. "You are so lovely."

"You make me feel really bad when you cry."

"I'm sorry," he sobbed out. He reached up his hands, wiping over his eyes. "I can't wait for these children to be out of my body."

Michael pulled Luke closer to him, positioning him between his open legs. Mike rested his hands on Luke's shoulders, rubbing lightly into the tense skin. "Yeah, me either. I can have Taco Bell and eggs again soon, right?"

Luke laughed. He looked up at Mike, a smile upon his lips. "Yes, Mikey. Soon you can."

baby, I'll show you the world [muke af]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant