Familiar Faces- HUNTERS POV

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It's been almost two months since toh ended I'm gonna cry.

anyways enjoy, drink water, and most importantly....



"Alright Flap!" I said happily. "We only have one more item left! Let's see and it's... Bread!"

Chirp Chirp Tweet

"Hm? Yes for the millionth time I got the Fabric." I said teasingly. Flapjack flew off of my shoulder and rested in my hair. "Are you tired?" I asked Flapjack.

Tweet tweet. Chiiirrrpppp... He didn't get to finish his sentence as he drifted off to sleep. I eventually bought the bread, and started to walk around for a bit. I didn't want to go back to the castle just yet. I would make stops every so often, and sometimes even talk to the people running the stands! They were very friendly, and because I wasn't in uniform, they treated me like a normal witch having a normal day. I wish that this happened all the time. Just because I was the Golden Guard doesn't mean I'm not still...


I decided to go talk to another witch running a stand that sold tiny instruments with holes in them. We talked a bit about the tiny instruments, what our lives were like back home, though it was mostly her because I didn't want to go into detail about the Emperor. We talked for a solid half an hour before I decided I should head back to the castle. I turned around only to see three teens staring at me. I recognized two of them immediately. One of them was the human. We hadn't seen one another after what happened in Latissa. The other girl had light purple hair–Lilac. I met her at Eclipse Lake, I forgot her name, but I knew I never wanted to run into her again. She's too good of a fighter. I didn't want to fight. There was another person standing next to them. A shorter, younger boy. He didn't look too much younger than the two girls but he was unfamiliar to me. He looked like he didn't know me at all. They must not have told him about me. I didn't want to cause trouble, so I ran away, but I regretted it as soon as I did it, because they started to chase after me. 

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