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Oh my titan.

#1 in huntlow currently????? woah. I had random motivation to write so enjoy. 

This was honestly one of the best days of my life. I'm hoping that we can do this more often, but I don't know when. Me and Hunter had just exited the Library and had some extra time left. 

"Do you want to get some ice-scream?" I asked him.

He seemed zoned out, but I was able to catch his attention with my question. "Sure? I've only ever had ice-scream once, and that was a while ago." He said while rubbing the back of his neck with an awkward smile on his face. He almost seemed embarrassed.

"Well, I know a stand that's not too far away from here, so we can go. Do you know what time you need to leave?" 

He stopped. He didn't rush, or seem to be in any sort of panic. He kind of just stood there, and thought. He checked his watch and the look on his face told me that he had come up with a reasonable time.

"I might start heading back to the castle some time around 4:45" He finally answered. 

"Well then, lets get moving."

As we walked along the streets of Bonesborough, we talked about all sorts of random things. We discussed some of the topics of the books we had gotten, our palisman, and honestly our lives in general. Hunter only told me some of the vague details, which I could understand. I told him about how I met Luz, and how me and Amity finally came on good terms. I don't think he's too fond of Amity though, considering what I told him all those years ago.  

I was able to see the ice-scream stand around the corner, and as we made our way there I asked Hunter what he might want. I already knew what I was getting: Lint horror chip.  

"Do you know what you're going to get?"

"Honestly, no. I forgot the flavor I got last time, but I do know it was orange, tangy, and good."

"Hmm..." I said while putting my finger up to my chin. Orange, tangy... I was trying to think of the flavors that it could be.

"Maybe scram-go?" I suggested. 

"I'm not sure but, let's try it." 

We eventually got our cones and sat over on a bench nearby. Hunter looked a little nervous about trying the ice-scream, but eventually warmed up to it. He bit into it and his eyes seemed to light up. He took another bite, and I just looked at him like he was insane. He then turned to me and saw my facial expression. 

"What's that look for?" He said while raising an eyebrow.

"You bit into the ice-scream." I replied, my eyes still slightly wide. 


"How are your teeth currently not turning into icicles?!" 

"I don't know. The cold never really seemed to bother me." He replied with a shrug.

"Well that would explain why when it was crazy windy you would be wearing tank-tops and shorts." I said, and then I proceeded to lick my ice-scream. I looked over at hunter to see him popping the last part of the cone into his mouth. I couldn't help but release a slight chuckle. I missed these days. I was so glad we could be like this again. I opened up my penstagram and checked the time. 

"Hunter, it's already 4:18, how long would it take you to get back home?" I asked him after we had both finished our ice-scream. 

"I would be there on time, I think I have to go."

"Well is there any way I could get into contact with you?" I asked him. I wanted us to do this again soon. 

He started thinking again. Then he looked at me and pointed to my scroll. "I think Darius has one of those. Can you contact other witches with that thing?" I looked down and then nodded. I then got out a piece of paper and wrote down my Penstagram username and gave it to him. 

"If you give this to him I would be able to check up on you every so often." I said to him with a smile. He looked down at it for a moment after I gave it to him and her seemed very excited. 

"Well, I can't wait to talk to you more Willow." He said with a warm smile on his face. I returned the smile with one of my own. 

"Agreed." We stood up and he gave me a hug. He then hopped onto Flapjack and waved as he was in the air. 

"Byeeee!" He said before zooming away. 

I smiled and stood there for a minute. I hope he gets there safe, and that Belos doesn't find the piece of paper I gave to Hunter. I eventually started making my way home, walking instead of flying. I wanted to take in the rest of the day before I headed back home for dinner. This was honestly one of the best days of my life, and I'm hoping there are more of them to come soon. 

Sorry for the short chapter. Next week is the last day of school and then I'm done! I improvised basically this whole chapter. 

yes there is a frozen reference.  


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