Explanation- HUNTERS POV

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"Would you care to explain how you have a palisman, why you seemed so scared about a couple pieces of fabric, and why you came in with a bleeding scar on your face?!" Darius said, his voice getting a little bit louder as he spoke. I flinched. "I'm sorry Hunter but believe it or not I'm worried about you", Darius said with a warm and welcoming smile on his face.

"Okay, so I had this friend from about six years ago, and when Belos found out about her, he forbade us to talk to one another. But, that's not all...he also...hurt...us. Hurt her", I said. My fists started to clench.

"Oh...oh my." Darius said with a look of shock on his face.

"But that's not all." "The thing is... I saw her again today at the market, and I'm supposed to meet her at the library at 3:45 tomorrow! And if Belos finds out about this, then, t-then..."

My breathing started to quicken, and my eyes were blurry from the tears that were forming. "Hey, hey. It's gonna be okay. I won't let him hurt you anymore, mkay?" Darius said while putting his hand on my shoulder. "Now, how about you tell me about this cutie?" He said while holding up Flapjack. Flapjack chirped a few times, and then flew on top of my head. I chuckled.

"Well remember the day that Belos gave you all a peek at what would happen after the day of unity?" I said.

"Yes, go on."

"Well that night I was going on a mission..." I stayed there and told him the entire story about how I met Flapjack, even the parts about Luz! He seemed very interested in the story, and I got a few chuckles out of him while telling it. Then I remembered. "Oh Titan! I-I'm supposed to be on a mission! I g-gotta get–I gotta go–"

"Hunter!" Darius called out suddenly. "It's okay, I convinced Belos to get some scouts to do it for you. I got your back", Darius shot me a wink as he said it.

"Thank you Darius, really. This–This means a lot to me." I started to tear up a little bit. "No problem kid, anytime. Now, how about you tell me a bit about this girl?" My face turned a light pink as he mentioned Willow. "Well, she's kind, navy blue hair, glasses, incredible and I mean absolutely incredible at plant magic. She's brave, funny, and I feel like she always knows what to do." I started rambling on and on about how amazing Willow was, and Darius was just looking at me the whole time and he was–


I honestly didn't know what that was all about but, I eventually stopped talking. "Sounds like little prince has himself a girlfriend", Darius said with a smug smile on his face. "Uh, yeah?" I said in confusion. "Willow is my friend, and she's a girl. But I still don't understand why you're looking at me like that." He just stared at me, occasionally blinking. He was staring at me like I had just said the stupidest thing in all of Witchkind.

"Oh my Titan, This is going to take some explaining", Darius finally said.

"Hah, I guess It's your turn huh?" I said mockingly.

"Indeed. Now buckle up."



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