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enjoy getting ur feelings hurt :D

"Back up." Gus said with his hands in front of him in confusion.

"So you're saying that Hunter here is the Golden Guard. The Golden Guard. And you guys are here because he got caught in a storm, his uncle the emperor can't know about this friendship for some odd reason you won't share, and now scouts are out looking for him and so you need a place to hideout?!" He finally finished while he just sat there looking at us wide-eyed. I'm not sure when but that other kid--Matt I think had grabbed a bowl of a human snack called 'popcorn'. He was listening with wide eyes, but not the same as Gus's. His were more interest than shock. 

"Um, yep. That's pretty much it." Willow said with a nervous look on her face.  

"So why did you choose my house?" 

"Well, scouts have already checked your neighborhood for Hunter, so I assume they won't be coming back." She said with as much confidence as she could muster. 

There was Just an awkward silence for a little while, until Willow finally spoke. 

"So how did you and Matt become friends?" 

This seemed to catch the other witches attention, and he looked over at Gus as if to ask who should be the one to tell the story. They shared a few looks for a while until Matt sighed in defeat. 

"W-Well, it started when we were in town..." 

He told us about a crazy adventure with some girl named Bria and some other kids named Angmar and Gavin. (I didn't like how the girl sounded very much.) Some artifacts called the Galderstones, a weird old man who would look over the graveyard, and how Gus was able to cast a giant illusion over the graveyard to make it seem like it was actually haunted! Apparently it gave Matt nightmares for about a week, which made everyone (except for Gus, who was concerned for his friend) laugh for a minute or two. 

It was a fun night. We played games from the demon realm, like Ghouls or scare, where you basically scare people, or get scared, and we also played a game called 'jenga'. Matt kept losing and he got very angry. I somehow was the first one to fall asleep. It was a very comfortable environment, and I felt safe. 

That feeling didn't last very long.    

I woke up to sounds of commotion and struggling. I sat up and grabbed Flapjack as he went into staff form. I dashed around and tried to strike the attackers as best I could. My vision was still very blurry considering the fact I had just woken up not to long ago. I was then kicked in the back of the leg and felt myself being contained. Flapjack was ripped out of my hands and as things started to become clearer, they were not looking good. The room was torn apart, there were plants and rocks all over, there were scouts everywhere, Gus was passed out in the arms of a guard. I could tell he wasn't asleep willingly. Matt was yelling and doing his best to summon rocks to attack the coven members with, but he was failing. Willow was being tied with the sheets from Gus's bed to be contained as she was being put to sleep as well. Everybody's palismen were locked in some sort of cage.

Tears started to fill my eyes. 

"Guys! D-Don't worry I can figure something out! Ju-Just hold on!" I said as I was struggling to get free from the two guards that had my arms held, making me unable to move. I could see the three other witches being put on an airship, being taken to who knows where. They were being loaded with the palismen and various human items from Gus's room. 

"Oh Hunter. I expected more from you ." 

I froze. 

That can't be who I thought it was. Nope. He's not here. I'm dreaming. That's it! Th-This is all a dream! If I can just find some sort of way to wake up then--

"Turn him around." 

I was forcefully turned around, my head down, looking towards the floor. I didn't want to believe this. I wouldn't believe this. Just then, a hand took my chin aggressively and squeezed my face until my bones started to hurt. 

I saw him. 

Belos was staring at me through the mask, his bright, cold blue eyes looking straight into my magenta ones. I was sweating at this point. 

"I really thought that you would be better than this." He said. He sounded like he didn't care, but inside I could tell he was upset. 

"Let. Them. Go." I suddenly heard the words come out of my mouth. What in titans name was I doing?! 

He just laughed. Belos let my head go, but now I was looking up at him willingly. Though I would rather be looking at anything else. I then felt my face start to sting and feel wet as I felt a mixture of blood and goo drip down my face. I winced in pain, trying to show as little weakness as I could. 

"Honestly, I thought you would last longer than the others, but... I guess they all go bad at some point." He said while walking away, his back facing me. What was he talking about?! 'They all go bad at some point?' What did he mean by 'Hoped I would last longer than the others?!' I was shocked while trying to figure out what it meant. I guess it was showing because Belos lifted up his mask, came over to me, and then said the worst thing I've heard all night:

"What a shame. You looked just like him too. I wonder if I can use part of you to make the next Grimwalker." 

I just sat there, in absolute horror. Grimwalker?! As in like a clone?! Who was I a clone of? How many were there before me? My mind was racing and I couldn't even help my friends. I was terrified what would Happen to Willow, and Gus too. I honestly felt bad for that other kid, Matt. He just so happened to be here when this all went down. 

The good news is though, that if I were to be taken back to the castle, I would have  better chance of finding them. Hopefully a quicker chance as well. Next thing I knew I was blacked out. 

I was being taken away 

me going to bed knowing that i probably just destroyed all of you: 

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me going to bed knowing that i probably just destroyed all of you: 

until later today and or tmrw. ✌


when i started watching ducktales i was so happy when they were both in it. 

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