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Sorry it took me a while to come publish this. 

I watched across the spider-verse today!!

anyways here you go!

I woke up and realized today was the day I was supposed to meet Hunter at the Library.  I got up out of bed and went downstairs to see if any of my dads were awake. They weren't. I went back upstairs and decided to text Luz on pensta. 


Um, hi eda! Would I be able to talk with Luz by any chance?


Why yes of course Willow! :)


Luz... did you steal Eda's penstagram? 


Maybe I did, Maybe I didn't. 🤭🤭


Well, other than that hows ur life going? 


Pretty Normal. That is if you count almost getting killed by a demon that breaks into your dreams and having to save everyone last night from a nightmare of certain death. You?


I honestly don't know what to say to that.


 I'm not sure what reaction I expected🤷‍♀️


Well this has been an... interesting conversation. 


 Why yes. yes it has. 


Goodbye Luz :)


 Buh bye Willow :) 

A demon that breaks into your dreams and tries to kill you?

Now that's nightmare fuel. 

I shook my head, temporarily getting rid of the thought. I would probably just ask hunter about it when I met him at the Library. I had written the time on a sticky note on the lamp on my nightstand. 3:45pm. Well, it was already 12:00 so I had time. I had a piece of groast with some human butter Luz had given me from the human realm, it wasn't half bad. I wanted to do something different with my hair today, but what? 

Meh, I'll figure it out when I get out of the shower. 

I picked out a pale green overall-skirt with a white shirt and the sleeves were short puffs. To top it off I got a flower necklace. I got into the shower and washed my hair. It took some deciding, but then I finally settled on two buns on either side of my head and two strand of hair streaming down my face. I picked out a pair of cute flower earrings to go with it and when I looked at the clock it said 1:45pm. Only 1:45?! Wow this day is going by slowly. I decided to see if I had anything else to do today because I was really bored. I woke up clover and she was not too happy about that. I was able to get her up and I went downstairs. 

"Good Morning sunshine!" Dad said to me. 

"Good Morning Dad! Good Morning Papa!" I said to them as I went up to them both and gave them each a kiss on the cheek. Papa was reading the newspaper while Dad was making some of the "coffee" Eda gave us. Luz and Eda really love giving us human stuff. And Gus really loves to keep them. 

Time eventually passed and It was time for me to meet Hunter at the Library.

I entered the Library, sweating slightly. I decided to look around for him and after some searching, saw him at a table reading "Bones to Earth: a study of wild magic". Doesn't he work for the Emperor? Why would he be reading a book about wild magic? I walked up to him and sat next to him. He didn't even look up. 


Cliffhanger because I can't write anymore and need to eat something. 

this was NOT copy and pasted from a google doc for once in my life. 

And I used my current hairstyle for willow :)

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