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As promised 

Also i found the airpods i lost like forever ago today 🤠

anywaysss enjoy!

When we got to the Graveyard, Gus casted an illusion spell so our hiding spot couldn't be found. It eventually got dark so we set up in a cabin that Gus and Mattholomule built to avoid boiling rain whenever they would help here on weekends. 

"What should we do? I mean, about this whole situation. Obviously Hunter can hide here in the meantime, but won't people be worried about us? We can't leave Hunter here by himself! What about school? Soon enough there's gonna be search parties, and when we do get caught, we'll be handed over to the Emperor, and we'll be toast!" Gus blurted out as he continued pacing back and forth. 

"What's a 'toast'?" Me and Matt said together. 

The room was silent for a brief moment. 

Then Willow spoke. 

"Well, Gus, you could probably send your dad a message on penstagram. One brief enough for him not to be too worried, but also so the authorities won't know where we are. Another option is that we could contact Luz and she could hopefully be able to deliver the information to our families. She could also make up an excuse for us not being able to attend school! Just to buy us some time while we figure out what to do."

"Or... I I could stay here and accompany Hunter while you guys go to school and tell Luz and some others about this whole..." He waved his hand in the air, like he was searching for the word.

"Dilemma." He finally said. 

"But won't your family wonder where you are?" Willow said leaning on her hands and turning her head to Mattholomule. 

"Well, not really." He shrugged.

"It's just me and my brother but he's never really home because he works in the Emperor's coven. Which means he sleeps in the castle basically all the time." 

"Wait...he works in the coven?" I asked him. 


"What's his name?" 

I was getting nervous. This could completely turn things around for the worse. 

"Steve. Steve Tholomule." 

I sighed a breath of relief. Steve has always been cool about things, I was able to trust him. He was actually able to keep Flapjack a secret from Belos when he found out about him. 

"No need to worry then. Steve's good." I smiled. 

"I'm sorry...what did you say his last name was?" Gus said, stopping where he was standing and turning slowly to look at Matt. Eyes wide.    

"Tholomule." He said nonchalantly. 

"Have I been calling you by you're full name this whole time?!" Gus said shocked. 

"I was a little confused wy you would always use his last name." Willow said, putting a finger to her chin. 

"You knew?!" 

"Um, yes?" She said, her pitch in voice getting higher. 

"Wait, wait, wait. I've been calling you your full legal name this whole time and you were just okay with it? Why didn't you tell me." Gus's voice became less shocked and more confused. 

Together AgainTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang