Dream On.

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3'rd person POV

Adrianna and Tom lay in bed, wrapped in each other's arms after their wedding night. As they basked in the afterglow of their lovemaking, Adrianna couldn't shake the feeling that something was bothering her.

"Tom," she said, breaking the comfortable silence. "I need to talk to you about something."

"Of course, what's on your mind?" Tom replied, sensing her unease.

"It's about Bill," Adrianna said, her voice soft. "He told me something at your concert the night you proposed to me that's been weighing on my mind."

Tom sat up slightly, concern etched on his face. "What did he say?"

"He told me that he's afraid he's never going to find someone who loves him for him and not just because he's Bill, the singer of Tokio Hotel," Adrianna explained, her eyes searching Tom's face for understanding.

Tom nodded thoughtfully. "I know what he means. It's hard to know if someone loves you for who you are or for what you can do for them."

Adrianna nodded, relieved that Tom understood. "I just don't want him to feel alone or like he has to put on a persona to be loved."

Tom gently brushed a strand of hair from Adrianna's face. "I know, and we'll be here for him. He's family, and we'll always have his back. I trust my brother will find the one for him sooner or later he deserves the love we share for himself and by no doubt in my mind he is going to find the right person "

Adrianna smiled, grateful for Tom's understanding and support. With him by her side, she knew they could weather any storm - even one as complicated as Bill's insecurities.

Bill's POV

Bill arrived home after his brother's wedding, and a wave of mixed emotions washed over him. The joy and happiness that had filled his heart during the celebration slowly gave way to a sense of emptiness and loneliness. He stepped into his big house, the silence engulfing him as he moved through the dimly lit rooms.

The house, once filled with laughter and shared moments, now felt hollow and devoid of life. The absence of a partner to come home to, to share in the joys and sorrows of everyday life, became painfully apparent. The empty spaces seemed to echo the memories that were yet to be created.

Bill's footsteps echoed through the hallway, his sighs mingling with the solitude that surrounded him. He glanced around, the familiar objects and furnishings serving as a stark reminder of the void that existed in his life. The silence weighed heavily upon him, a constant reminder of the absence of someone to share his space with, to make it come alive with love and laughter.

As he moved from room to room, memories of past gatherings with friends and family danced through his mind. The laughter, the conversations, and the warm embrace of companionship felt like distant echoes, fading into the recesses of his memory. The emptiness of the house magnified the ache within his heart, a yearning for meaningful connections, and the desire to build a life with someone special.

Bill sank onto the couch, surrounded by the quiet darkness. He closed his eyes, reflecting on the love he had witnessed earlier in the day. Seeing Tom and Adrianna united in marriage filled him with immense joy, but it also reminded him of the void that existed in his own life.

He longed for a partner to share the ups and downs, the triumphs and failures, the everyday joys and sorrows. Someone who would bring light and warmth into his home, creating memories that would last a lifetime. The house, once a symbol of success and achievement, now felt like an empty shell without the love and laughter of a companion.

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